Friday, September 20, 2024
Car AudioNews

Who Ate All The Pies? (GEEK ALERT!) EMMA Pie Charts

With 170 Sound Quality competitors and 62 EMMA Sound Pressure Level (ESPL) cars, there was a lot of kit doing the competition rounds in Europe this year.
Some stalwart ‘statto’ at EMMA (European Mobile Multimedia Association) has compiled a whole warm and sweet smelling tray of hot pies. (Ummmmm, pieeeS!) Each one covers a different cateogory:

Headunits Sound Quality & Multi Media
Headunits ESPL & Racing
Front speakers SQ & MM
Front speakers ESPL & Racing
Amplifiers SQ & MM
Amplifiers ESPL & Racing
Subwoofers SQ & MM
Subwoofers ESPL & Racing
Cables SQ & MM
Cables ESPL & Racing
Batteries/Caps SQ & MM
Batteries/Caps ESPL & Racing
Active Components SQ & MM
Active Components ESPL & Racing
It’s one for a cup of coffee and a biscuit. I think ‘Empty’ means “Nah Not Telling” which says more about competitors’ filling in of forms or their attitude to revealing all – you choose!