Friday, January 31, 2025
Car Audio

Mobile Electronics News EXPO 2013

Talk Audio went to the Mobile Electronics News EXPO at the Jaguar Exhibition Hall at the Ricoh Arena recently and we bring you this video set of clips we shot on the now-famous TATV-sponsored Sony Handycam more will be forthcoming from ShadowTD, our reporter for the day with roving brief in another story about the new hardware on show.  Meanwhile&;
Just check out the woofers on THIS!
Then, we caught up with Parksafe. The cool story with them is that they mostly sell parking sensors. This means their dealers are fully capable to make holes in colour coded bumpers and not fear disaster! This means in turn that they are perfectly placed to bring in a sexy kit of Day Light Running Lights, so we can all look like we own an Audi R8! But as well as the DRLs, which I will be swagging, so shall NEED a car to fit them to (!) we also are going to get our mitts on a personal in car digital video recorder. The same sort of thing that filmed the meteorite landing over Russia recently! Here, boss Mick Barber, explains how cool it isTalk Audio welcomes its newest Site Associate.

Right inside the entrance on a bit of last-minute-dot-com stand was BRG Developments. These are two lads, one of whom is the nutter and says, ‘I WANT!’ And the other is the engineer who delivers the wants, even though they are strange ones and mostly about using massively more wire to conduct stuff about than normal people use – like stuffing two 1/0 Ga wires into a single 1/0 ga terminal. Look at this clip in wonder!

This one is a bit epic and in fact aughta be a little shorter to start with but do bear with it as the YOUTUBE-AUDIBLE improvements in the performance of the speakers in each door of the demi-Mini are quite amazingly apparent! Oh, and they tow it about to shows and there are red brake light bulbs in the headlamps housings now!

Lastly, but by NO means leastly, we caught up with the inspiring product bloke for Fusion Europe, who told Talk Audio TV all about the new amp and stuff coming in from New Zealand. Right now, Fusion rule the marine scene as they have created a software-marriage between their marine kit and all sorts of mad end navigation equipment. It’s ever so cool and the car stuff is still getting cost-effort put into it. I do apologise for the weird videous-interruptus part way through. I simply tech-fucked-up, yet the bloke’s stuff to camera had been so good, I just couldn’t make him start again, so there is a meaningless fadey-break. But we did start at where we had left off, so it is all in there. Fusion 2013:
Finally, here is Simon ‘ShadowTD’ King with his butt in a wicked F1 simulator that was on the Kenwood stand – as my arse simply wouldn’t fit inside this proportion-perfect replica car!