Free JVC Stuff
I made this too big and complex last time so I swagged a load of stuff from JVC. Polo shirts and silicone anti-slip bit n’bobs mats with JVC on them. I adore swagging stuff. It is such an entertaining thing. Plus the happy glow from delighting someone with something as daft as a clever little JVC branded anti-slip mat, is quite disproportionate to the effort.
So much so, that when I went in again, they gave me some more! I have five of the deep black, tight weave polo shirts with JVC embroidered upon the left breast, as well as four more silicone mats. The NPZ-0710 Silicone mats are for plopping on your dash and acting as non-slip spots for stuff like, say, a MirrorLinked smartphone, lying in a flat dashtop cubby. (See what I did there?)
To get either one, just ask. No catch, no e-mail harvesting, no keeping of any details.
So there ya go.
More swag!