Saturday, October 5, 2024
Car Audio

Clarion: The International CES, Las Vegas 2015

I visited Clarion They were in a private suite inside what was once called the Hilton and was famous as Elvis’s stomping ground. It has been sold and renamed something so forgettable that I forgot it. (Westgate, Adam. Guru.) Going to see them meant a stroll through the sunny skyway walkway and also I stepped out into the sunshine and started snapping CES background and people stuff, some of which I shall pop in below just for your delectation.
However, I met a man called Jubal and was able to tell him that he shared his name with a character from a major science fiction work used in university literature courses, called ‘Stranger in a strange land.’ He was unmoved but proved to be a 24 carat, fully experienced video subject and was beyond ready. Jubal took me through some new tech, a sexy demo car and even the finer points of what is a growth area everywhere, it seems, of boaty kit marine.
Here is the USA model Clarion NX605 flagship navigation unit. In partnership with Google and can use their API’s. Check the ‘˜mic’ button, remind you of one you have seen before?
And here is their delicious Ferrari demo car.
And just as I am a bit keenCMS5 marine.
The ‘˜atmos’ pix as promised
En route to Clarion

His name is Rico, like the Racketeering laws!

Finally, if you have time for over 240 pictures with captions, then click the link below. It will set a slideshow in motion with all the pictures from above – and the entire trip:
I had an awesome time and wish to thank you for reading and watching, the CEA for the kind invitation and PRPR for making it happen for me.
If you want to buy Clarion in the UK, then a good start is to click here, Clarion