Saturday, October 5, 2024
Car AudioNews

More ICE People Stuff Alpine’s Atsuhiro Takeda Wins Major Industry Award

Talk Audio Magazine is all about mobile electronics and technology but at the root of all this tech is why we buy it.
Because we enjoy the sensations of pleasure and delight it creates and appreciate the practical help these things afford us. So technology is about the life we lead and its quality, which is why so much Consumer Electronics is described as ‘˜Lifestyle Enhancing’.
Which makes in-car audio amongst the most important of all. Just trying to put into written words, the sensation of driving to music that stirs your very soul while every hair in your body stands on end because it is so damn good, is ever so hard.
I have tried for bloody years but printed words don’t reach into your viscera and squeeze great gouts of pure tingly adrenaline into your system like good music and motoring can do together. Words in print are able to make you weep with joy but it takes a literary skill way beyond mine. But I ain’t gonna stop trying.
A man with a passion for life and what he does, who I feel absolutely believes in all the above, is Atsuhiro Takeda, of Alpine Electronics UK. He has just won the prestigious Rep Of The Year award from the trade magazine Mobile Electronics News and I was lucky enough to present it to him. I asked Alpine for some background on the man and here’s what they said..
“Atsu Celebrated his 10th anniversary with Alpine this year, so what better year to get Sales Person of the Year Award? His backound is in medical electronics products and he is qualified in electronics himself.
Starting as Area Sales Manager for the South, Atsu now also has huge input into Product Planning and Development all while still looking after his dealers and area.
Atsu is also involved in radio tuner testing with engineers from Japan, China and Europe and represented the UK at thre Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on the Alpine booth. Part of his job involves visits to Europe for product planning and marketing meetings.
His dad was Technical Director for Sansui (where Adam Rayner met him years ago in Watford) living for some time here in the UK. Growing up, Atsu has lived in Japan, California and the UK. He is fluent in Japanese as well as English and not bad at Spanish and of course loves cars and technology with a passion.
Atsu loves Japanese food but will eat most things as long as not too spicy – but prefers to keep a clear head so is not an alcohol drinker.
Atsuhiro Takeda is someone who’s appetite to read, research and learn about anything relevant to work, or whatever he finds interesting is unsurpassed in Alpine – and probably our industry. We’re all really pleased that he’s won this award as he definitely deserves it!”
So, it’s good to know that Alpine know what they have got in their own Mr. T.
He’s part of a very adhesive team of really lovely people and I’m proud to have them as my mates. Tinged only with a little sadness as Takeda-San lost his mum last year and it would have been something that I am sure would have delighted her.