Sunday, October 6, 2024

Week Forty-Five The Site’s Coming Alive!

I am just about getting a grip of the new ordnance and am only occasionally scrunging pictures up with my new (supposedly idiot-proof) publishing abilities! I did get a bit over-excited the first week and wrote a large article about Midbass’ Carl Venables receiving a Lifetime Acheivement award at the recent Mobile Electronics News awards evening and sent it all the way to the more-than-six-articles-on-the-page ‘˜archive’ in less than a week, I got so excited slinging new stuff upon the front page!
So in this and subsequent weeks, I’ll let the six-list act as a week-long filter and allow at least a full week of currency before you need to go and look in the archive sections. That said, these sections look as spandy fresh as the front pages nowadays, which is nice. Still got loads of bits of woodwork to sort for the OHM testing and the iPod video wire didn’t show up, as well as a whole load of reviews to update for the new system.
So, as ever, I’ll go get on then.
Adam Rayner