Sunday, October 6, 2024

Week Forty-Two Let’s Get On And Do The Do

OK, it’s time to get crispy. I am quite drunk on the delight of the greater ease and rapidity of publishing on the new Invision Power Content Management System and as such, I can take smaller and easier to digest bites of your attention. Hence more items and yet briefer, as per the Internet Age. It took me some time to grasp but I can go in-depth in discussion afterwards if need be, so I’m gonna get a bit more cogent and try the brevity pills
And thus, with the briefest of apologies once again for a delay on the Clarion NX700E try out, I have a good excuse but as well as some personal chaos, there are the hours yet to go put into updating and editing-into-‘˜approved status’ some 800 older news articles and car features. Still wrestling with a couple of techy bits but we are getting there. I want again to thank Switchblade and Guru from the heart of my bottom. (It’s a bass thang!) Seriously, I am blessed and far luckier than I deserve, in those men. (And a big lurve for the boards’ mod team who are erudite, sage and even-handed. Rrrespect for tough gig, done for love.
I’ll go get on then.
Adam Rayner