Thursday, October 17, 2024
Car Audio

Talk Audio Mover and Shaker In the ARTS!

Talk Audio is supporting the ARTS! I am now Svengali of Tone Poets! Enabler to the sort of musicians that have got music so bad, like a chronic condition, even WORSE than wanting to be a rock star. Yes, there is a level more gone than mere ‘˜Muso’. It is ‘˜sonic poet’ or ‘˜synthesiser artist’ or ‘˜sound sculptors’ or some such mad term, for I was at the Modified Nationals show back in May and got approached by this bloke who was wrangler to these two blokes, (Dan and Leon) holding small-but-potent tone synthesisers in their hands and a crazed look in their eye. Like a dragon in a field of sheep, they wanted seriously badly to get their output right in-put into a badass CAR!
They needed a wingman to get them in so I merely suggested they go see the psychopaths of connected mayhem that were the FOUR Hertz SPL Show cars, all hooked up and tearing the effing Tarmac off the hard standing.
Then this bloke David started to explain what they were doing and I will let his words explain below. But my part was to understand and help as my dad is a painter (hates being called ‘˜artist’ which is pure artistic temperament) and has exhibited as one-man shows all my life and recently at age 85, here: link so I know the red dot is good!
But this is an INSTALLATION and what I have done is to make some calls. First to the bloke I saw for the umpteenth time at Modded Nats on the Corbeau stand:

Which stalwart fellow named Matthew said ‘˜yes’ absolutely without a second’s hesitation and lent three of these to the 0point3recurring guys, for that is their name

And then to the Chief Organ Pipe himself, the Basso Profundo 36ft 15Hz subsonic rumble of a decision maker and shaker at the UK provider of arguably the loudest product on regular UK distribution channels Ground Zero. Colin Organ said, ‘˜yes’ as well, to his unending cool and credit and I was made to look like a hero to the chaps. For supply of three sets of these: link
And just maybe, just maybe, after seeing me in full flow at the Modified Nationals, having my chubby self in there to deliver some Rayner-ness was seen as a possible PART of the installation. They want the hat, the tailcoat Hmmm maybe I self-aggrandise? (C’mon! Feeeeeder LINE!)
Yet, they want me there, and I do like the idea of a trip to Liverpool so, here is the tale of Talk Audio and the ARTS!
The show is at the Bluecoat, which is one of the most important galleries/creative spaces in the NW (alongside Tate Liverpool and FACT) Show runs from 25th July – 15th September.. 25th July is the Private View
Its a group show called Portfolio NW and comprises six regional artists / collectives.
I am showing as part of a collective called 0point3recurring – our piece titled MODZ will be in the upper gallery.
Being a group show it will attract a much wider audience than a solo show and running over summer will see a large number of tourists alongside the usual art crowd.
The piece is being written about for The Double Negative and will also feature in AN (Artists information company), The Two Hats, Creative Tourist, Art Rabbit, Art in Liverpool, amongst others. It will be listed in the Guardian Guide as well as the Arts Council News and The Art Guide.
It will certainly receive a lot of attention due to its connection to Preston Bus Station.. currently attracting a wide range of media attention. This coupled with the location of the artists means we will receive coverage from the Lancashire Evening Post, BBC Radio Lancashire and Various Liverpool papers/media outlets. As well as through Facebook and Twitter. the Save Preston Bus station Facebook page gathers all writing and events surrounding the bus station and this will be picked up by those following the Bluecoat itself has an extensive network and prestigious invite list – so basically everyone in the UK art scene will get to hear about it.
I’m currently artist in residence at the University of Central Lancashire and the project will be advertised through their networks as well.
All sponsors will receive credit in the film and on the information in the gallery.
We are thinking about making an A5 publication and all products will be featured and sponsors given credit in this.
If we can persuade you to give a talk at the end of August/beginning of September this would also be a major draw for the sponsors. (I was flattered! Ed.) as we can get it into the next brochure the Bluecoat produce. I think a Saturday would be best..
Here is a brief outline of the piece and I have attached a flyer as well:
Three modified cars drive into Preston from three separate locations. Each car has a passenger equipped with an analogue synthesiser who will play their synth using the flow of traffic as a loose inspiration for their improvised performance, thereby creating a mobile sound sculpture which relates to the surroundings.
Over the course of one hour, each car will drive around the city and meet at the top floor of the bus station car park for a short performance, after which they will leave the car park in convoy, drive through Preston before leaving in separate directions.
The journey of each car will be documented by filming from the back seat, and the audio recorded via the camera microphone as well as a direct input into a Zoom H4N audio recorder.
Three cameras will be filming the bus station at the same time, and several H4N’s will be placed around the bus station to capture more audio including the cars arriving, performing and leaving.
The installation in the Bluecoat will comprise:
Three projection screens & projectors
Four channel audio in the room
Three car seats fitted with potent speakers within their emplacement
Three pressure sensors to trigger the car seats’ individual performances as visitors sit down
On entering the gallery the audience will see three views of the bus station on a one hour loop. Two side views and a front view from above (or from the bus station roof, looking out across Preston.)
They will hear a mixture of sounds, some from the one hour recording, others samples taken from within the bus station (more Foley type sounds) and will therefore experience the bus station from within and without.
Each car seat has a pressure sensor and upon sitting on a seat, the film opposite will change to being the view from inside the car. They will also experience and feel the audio performance.
During this time the four channel system will carry on playing the audio from the bus station. All the films are synced so one screen might be showing the view from the car, and two show the bus station. The audience who are not sitting would be able to view the car arriving from two angles as well as the view from inside the car.
So glad you are happy to be involved… its gonna be an awesome piece of work!!
So there we have it I’m an arts patron-finder already!!
See you at the Bluecoat!