Monday, September 30, 2024

Week Thirty-Six Season Climax!

It’s a cool time of the year. Summer’s done but that early Septembrous thing can kick in. In Germany, they get even more and refer to a Golden Oktober. There’s even that wine And as I write this column, on a Wednesday when I usually do it on a Monday, the weather is lovely and I am hoping it will be kind to us for Sunday.
For that is the day of TRAX. And where the Modified Nationals are the traditional First Show of the season for me, then TRAX is the final one. I am excited for I have yet to even see in print, ANY of my work for Fast Car these past seven issues! Midge keeps on trying to send me copies but they mysteriously disappear in transit. Maybe once, with a split package and a postie or two who know a damn fine publication when they see the cover but twice? Nicked! Still, it is a back handed compliment. Anyway, I am promised a bundle, even if there are some gaps.
It was released a few weeks back but the Scooby BRZ sporty doo mobile purchased by Pioneer Europe for the UK to use as a demo car, has come to its Rifiki Moment.
That baboon in The Lion King, who kept on saying, ‘It is TIIIIME!’ Time to decide what Pioneer products are going into the cute car. My bet is non-destructive only, so no glassfibre two packed shiny dash builds. But rather enhanced stock locations and a boot worthy of opening up to show off. All fitted so as to be removable at the end of the car’s use. I know that Mister Pioneer is talking to people and the whole who-gets-to-do-the-install thing is riding high on this for me. So as soon as I know, I will spill all.
And talking of spilling all, how do you fancy a nest of tables of an interview? I mean with the heroes of Big Bass in the UK. I have even been given a title. ‘SPL SECRETS’ If anyone can get them to spill their guts, I can. Oh and my Presenterbloke channel on YouTube has gone through two million views. I am a bit chuffed at that!
(and to any regular readers, my apologies for lateness this week)
Adam Rayner On Line Editor