Saturday, October 5, 2024

Week Twenty-Nine In Which I Fling One Over The Parapet

I did it, with hands shaking I actually downloaded a YouTube video grabber programme to my iMac! I had to, in order to e-mail my Top Gear try-out video, just to get it processed to be under the size limit. Merely scoring high on a Google search does not mean you are not a vile scam. So I was dead nervous about getting a good one. Seeing a nice obvious pay-for upgrade was the thing that suggested it was OK in the event and it was.
I so detest the Passport and Fishing Licence scam sites that purport to be of some damn use when all they do is add a fee for using their portal. (I have been watching real scammer-countermeasure videos lately.) I needed to process my 1080P video content down to hit that limit as unsquashed, it was 35MB. For yes, I did a bunch of takes for my Top Gear tryout video and uploaded them to YouTube on an unlisted basis, then asked my Facebook chums to tell me which ‘˜take’ to use.
Dave Snypa said he didn’t like the ‘˜over-upbeat’ takes and most folks thought the third one was the best. However, YouTube adds a single second to your duration and there was a Highlander, just ONE that fitted. For these clips have to be no more than thirty seconds or they will not be viewed. And they have to be fair and not even watch the over-length ones, or else everyone will be sending them bloody showreels
But it took more nerve than I thought. And as it is the same e-mail address as the programme, the missive and the clip are now well and truly thrown over the parapet, since I had my form-letter we-cannot-answer response. I just hope like hell that I make it to the audition stage but as they say in these things, don’t hold your breath!
I have a chum who has just purchased his ultimate midlife crisis. A Harley Davidson hog, (very hench motorcycle) with a 1.7 LITRE engine. It grunts deeply, has absurd things on board that are really about rockets or limousines and he wants to make it badass on the audio front. Then he wants to take it to bike shows, as he likes all that. I gather OEM two-wheeled audio is seen as amazing on any bike in the UK at present. so they will die when the hear my mate Nige coming, playing Leader Of The Pack from the Sixties on his JL Audio Hog.!
Image of me in full spout wish me luck one last time and I will shut up
Adam Rayner On Line Editor!