Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Car AudioNews

A Very Merry Christmas From All At Talk Audio

As we enter the first snowy Christmas that most of us have had since forever (well, down south of the UK, anyway) it DOES feel more Christmassy somehow with all the pretty stuff everywhere. It has meant some epic strife, from the sudden drop in ‘˜Net sales these past few days due to the knowledge that most couriers were swamped by it, to my Bro in-law walking twenty-two miles through snow to get home, after he was advised by police to abandon his car.
But now is the time for Goodwill To All Men and we at Talk Audio would like to wish all the users of the forums and readers of the magazine a very Merry Christmas indeed.
May it bring you the mobile electronics toys you wanted and if not go get them with your Christmas money in the New Year!
Here is the winning entry of the Vibe Audio Delta Box Bass Generatoralthough I admit I found the one added to the comments section on the original story, hysterically funny. But then I always was a grubby git. This entry was breezily informative but gently suspicious about Tiffany, the new R&D director at Vibe, featuring in the Vibe ‘Out of the Box’ videos we have been stealing off their channel and putting on TATV. (You can see them by clicking the TATV drop-down above, it’s dead clever and hangs off YouTube of course)
According to this they are actually silk dome tweeters and not earings, wires included (not a phone charger) and a separate crossover with a 0 to -3db tweeter attenuation and not a light for a bike.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Tiffany’s been lying to us

Well done Brill-Edwards, PM me with the address you want your Bass Delta Box Bass Generator posted to
I hope Christmas finds you loved and secure, happy and healthy.
Talk Audio has some tricks up the sleeve for the new year, certainly on the magazine front. Expect brochure racks and cartoon art from yesteryear in shining new remastered scans of the original brushwork! And lots moremeanwhile, A very Cool Yule, Joyeux Noel and have a cracking Kwanzaa from us all!
Adam Rayner
Online Editor Talk Audio magazine