Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Car AudioNews


FORGEDDABOUTIT! Okay Wiseguys, it’s like dis. So we get this sit-down, see? The Fat Guy made some calls the Godfather says he agrees and so we get the Bosses togedder. Don Ackerley from the Northside, Don Millard from out East, Don Barnes from the South and we get them togedder in the middle of the territory to talk about all their things coming togedder as one big thing.
One Big Badaboom…
Yes, it’s on! The three heads of the UK’s bass competition scene all got together last night with myself and the Modded Nats show promoter and the nuts and bolts have been sorted out for their joining up to crown one amazing bass system owner as the UK’s Bass King for 2012. So this news story is officially to pull the trigger on Adam Rayner’s Big BadaBOOM at The Modified Nationals – the biggest bass contest ever held in the UK.
The EMMA Sound Quality competition will be held in the same spot as ever close the show hub, right next to the FOUR Masters lunacy with their ICE Clinic, doctors and nurses and bonkers show cars. But behind the main stage, on prime turf more usually used for car clubs, will be a cluster of canopies for the dB Drag association, under the aegis of Darren ‘Don’ Millard, then the Propper Droppers competition format, run and owned by Marcos ‘Mega Heavy Bass’ Barnes (also Don of course) with the EMMA SPL format run by Andrew ‘Don’ Ackerley also alongside.
EMMA SPL requires use of the EMMA 2012 music CD. You test with the designated SPL track with your doors shut and then in an oddly hooliganistic streak, with doors open. A safe and tidy install will win you points as well, since this part of the judging process.
However dB Drag racing is about Sound Pressure Level alone. Systems with good repeatability are needed as they run heats to knock out to find the winner. Boom over and over again to win here.
Propper Droppers is about deep, ground wobbling, elephant-and-whale stimulating Street Bass. The deep stuff. They test at different frequencies from deep, to low to snake’s belly. (Like 20Hz anyone?)
Any 12V system that can do well in all three formats and crown its owner as Bass King of UK 2012 will have to be neat and safely put together and be able to run all day and be bastard loud and low and potent and well. awesome. The event is the first time in the UK that three formats have been run in sound off all at once.
The winner, the Bass King of UK 2012 will be getting an embroidered jacket in their size. An object of great beauty, it’s the Car Audio equivalent of a boxer’s belt and hopefully will be striking to look at – so it’ll have to be presented after the event. (Small or XL?) There will be trophies to take away on the day for the top three Badaboomers in addition to each formats’ own trophy system and also some other spot prizes that I shall be swagging. Already delivered, true to his word by the boss man is a JBL 1,000 watt GTO1001EZ amplifier as a during-the-day swag. ( I have a plan for it, in fact.) And a copy of the JBL History tome. A hardback book in a case. A limited edition item, that one.
The BadaBOOM will add a fiver to the overall ticket rate for the three formats, with each bass head simply entering their own chosen format. There will be no compunction to enter other formats if your system is too evolved like a penguin is for the sea, to ever go back to flying in the air or entering a ‘pretty’ format. But it’ll still be worth it.
If you are a bass head and in one of the contests and do have the balls to try the other two formats as well, then you will get a certificate to attest that you had the cojones to take part in Adam Rayner’s Big BadaBOOM. You will be in an exclusive club. We are working on a window sticker for everyone who enters, no matter what, just for the historical significance and that extra fiver? Well, we need it but I’m hoping to offer a ‘goody bag’ to every bass contest entrant worth in excess of the extra quids. I’m going for USB sticks but we’ll see.
So there you have it. The UK’s Grand Bass Slam? The Clean Bass Sweep?
No, it’s Adam Rayner’s Big BadaBOOM at the Modified Nationals 2012. Now in it’s tenth great year, always the best show for car audio folks and now, it’ll be an historical high as we all go to drop our lows!
In order to learn more, just go to any of these pages.
HERE for EMMA SPL: link
HERE for dB link
HERE for Propper Droppers: link
Built NOT Bought
As if that wasn’t enough, the show is also running Built, NOT Bought, a sound off and installation competition for ‘regular’ show going cars. The idea is not to show off what used to be called chequebook installs (back when we used cheques) but rather ones that have been fitted and fettled by their owners. This is going to be judged upon how well The Judge (the ebullient and knowledgeable Jon Griggs from MTX, JL Audio, Phoenix Gold, Stinger, Dynamat, etc) reckons you have achieved your aims in making the system. The really good thing is that each contestant gets to decide and tell the judge what those aims were. Like say, ‘simple stealthy system of low cost but as high a sound quality as I could get for two grand’, or ‘I want it as bloody loud as possible’ or what ever. But the OWNER decides the judging criteria and that is dead cool!
So be at the Modified Nationals 2012