Sunday, October 6, 2024
Car AudioNews

BeastBoxes Boast Better Bass For Your Buck, Baby!

There are in technical terms, one absolute shed-load of speaker box design programs out there and there are even a few folks who can use them and actually understand what in hell they do. These are bits of software that you insert a speaker transducer’s Thiele-Small parameters into and they tell you how to make a box for that speaker driver, even what its performance aught to be. Then you get the amateur box makers, often bass heads in competition, for whom making ever yet more brachiospheric or perpangular boxes for their woofers is a hobby in itself.

But most of us simply want to get the best out of our woofers and are not likely to spend time competing. And while a factory made box is cute and sexy with the embroidery upon it, they usually restrict the choice of woofing beast you use – your sub itself. And yet, there is the issue of that box&;

And here’s where BeastBoxes come in.

For they will use the actual dimensions of your boot in box designs they supply. The reasons you will pay them to do this are six layers deep at least! For one, the box you will end up with, will actually fit properly into your boot. None of that protrusion that stops a parcel shelf being fitted – unless you want that. For another, the computer is used so that your design is specific to your driver’s abilities but has its result tweaked by years of experience. It’s theory ameliorated by empiricism. Thirdly, you will get a 3D picture of your box from what ever angle you want. Fourthly, your box’s tuning will actually be for your personal taste as well as working with your driver. You will be asked your music choices and they translate. Like a sound engineer knowing that when a guitarist wants it more ‘creamy’ he means an EQ boost at 800Hz, the bloke who says he listens to a lot of trance music will be offered a tuning set not too low. Fifthly, you also get what’s called an Optimised Cut Sheet, which is the potently clever lay out to take to the wood yard to get the panels of your box cut from an 8×4 sheet so as to waste the least material. It is a skill, like an old fashioned tailor’s cutter and will save you cost.

Last of all, the BeastBoxes guys are always keeping a weather eye on what the mainstream manufacturers are offering up, so that they can compete with trends. Basically, you treat the BeastBoxer like he is your bass psychiatrist and confess all. Your urge, your woofers, your space and they will take your gnarly bass soul and generate a box design as unique to you, your woofers and the content of your iPod.

Mad but true, this is just a side issue to main doings but the box design side is so cool, I wanted to get a piece of the action for TA readers. (It’s £35 a pop by the way and well worth it if you really use the service&;) They are a fine installation house, specialising in the hectic and are also the preferred internet vendor for the PPA brands on the news story about the Soundstream training.

Check out their site, they are cool guys – the gallery says it all.

STOP PRESS: I have secured a FREEBIE! If you need a box design and have the woofer/s and car and are ready and keen to install and are also prepared to report back to Talk Audio magazine right here, then chip in below with what you are doing and we will pick someone for a free design!