Monday, March 31, 2025


Credit cards were created in the USA. The whole culture of creditworthiness and your personal value being measured by how much you can borrow originated in the States. I was lucky enough to be taken to Miami to visit JL Audio, with the superstars from Celsus Ice. While I was there, I visited with the Bass Mekanik himself, Mr. Neil Case and took him and DJ Billy E, his great friend and fellow bass artist, for a meal at a barbecue restaurant. I caused us a twenty minute delay after lunch, presenting my credit card, as I was expecting at least some kind of verification. They didn’t even bother to check the signature. I think the liability is different in the USA, I don’t know and should have checked before publishing this. I know that borrowing parents’ credit cards is a thing in American culture. Here in Blighty, sugar daddy has to give you your own card.
However one really big difference in the UK, is that the credit card companies seem happy to allow an individual to become mired in debt. So most people can spend borrowed money on a whim. Not so in the USA.
Thus Back Friday too was born across the pond. Here’s what Wikipedia have to say:‘Black Friday is an informal name for the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November), which has been regarded as the beginning of the country’s Christmas shopping season since 1952. Most major retailers open very early (and more recently during overnight hours) and offer promotional sales. .Many non-retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the following Friday off, which, along with the following regular weekend, makes it a four-day weekend, thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005’
When we tried to ape the Americans, we ended up with warfare at Walmart, well ASDA’s, with folks fighting over TV sets. However, that last payday before Christmas turns out to be massively important of course and so in British retail too, we now have Black Friday. I’m delighted to be able to tell you that our trade is no different.
Yep it’s Black Friday sale time. And for the Kicker and JL Audio brands it means genuine discounts, not offered at other times of year. These people only deal in quality products with technical support and know-how behind them. More like Apple than Amstrad. Yes, being a barrow-boy selling crap can make you money, but the world’s most successful business people these days, are the providers of quality technology, not the ones ripping off, selling tat at ever cheaper pricetags in a race to zero, like the chain shops. The cool news is that high quality, high audio power brand, Kicker is selling at up to a whopping 25% off
And that JL Audio is available for up to an even madder 30% off.
So if you have bass hunger, or need to hear the third triangle on the left.. or maybe get horny over the mouth sounds of some close-mic’d girly vocalist and will PAY for that then there is a speaker for your needs. Plus you may be able to get a product even madder than you were first considering, with the discounts and all.
But yes, I ‘˜would say that’ about my mates at Celsus but I can tell you that I only deal in simple facts because I am too stupid to recall mendacities and this is NOT a DFS style sale. Real reductions, that will cease at the end of the last day. Enjoy and buy your loved one a HUGE High Output JL Audio W7 box, wrap it and put it under the tree. It’ll prove that big parcels are the best ones. (Are those in the sale, I wonder? Better go look.)
Drive safely now there’s a bit of ice about, and do avoid the old BOOMPH – TINKLE.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor