Sunday, February 23, 2025
Car AudioNews


One of the oldest tenets of all journalism is: ‘Tell them that you are going to tell them. Then tell them. Then tell them that you told them.’ It is all about milking every last iota of juice out of every bit of material. And I caused a bit too much unrequited audio salivary response with this unboxing video!
So here it is as an embed, with the information so eagerly craved. First, the web links and suggested retail prices of these items, are as follows:
KPW2W Kicker Audio – Portable Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker SRP – £159.99
KB6000 Kicker Audio Full Range Speakers SRP – £119.99
KISL Kicker Audio Speaker wire to RCA converter SRP – £9.99
IWA225 MTX Audio In-wall Bluetooth Stereo Amplifier SRP – £219.99
CA75.2BT Caliber 2 Channel amp with Bluetooth SRP – £59.99
CSB1 Caliber 2 way coaxial speaker boxes SRP – £44.99
CD 120BT Caliber Retro look CD player with FM, USB/SD, Bluetooth (hands-free & audio), AUX SRP – £149.99 link
And here is the unboxing video. Hilariously, for a moment I thought that all I had recorded was the first test-the-remote-control clip. All two seconds long. You should have heard my howl of ‘NOOOOOOooooooo!’ as well as seeing the stupid happy face, when I realised I had just done a thing wrong. Anyway, the end bit makes me chuckle.

I have set up the retro Caliber CD 120BT deck, with an SD card of music in the slot inside, next to the CD disc slot. The music is on a micro-SD, in an adapter, of the music I had ON MY BLACKBERRY! I simply erased and unboxed the rest of the files and folders until only the MP3s were left. So it is music and my old Blackberry pings and dings in glowing MP3. I plugged an old Sony MP3 ‘Walkman’ branded player that is charged by USB and plays only by 3.5mm stereo ‘˜headphone’ socket. I have also got a USB stick thrust into the face of the device, to fully utilise all functions.
I have wired the Caliber CSB1 speakers up to the absurdly weeny Caliber CA75.2BT amplifier and have the power and earth hooked up to the mighty test bed Odyssey battery. I am going to wire the MTX in-wall IWA225 Bluetooth amplifier up to the Kicker KB6000 outdoor speakers. Then, I can test these toys in systems with my phone and play my favourite item on my phone. Don’t look this up if you are religiously sensitive, but it is from ‘The Book Of Mormon’
And it ain’t Hakuna Matata..