Saturday, March 1, 2025

Carving History

The application to the Guinness World Records organisation for the historic event covered in the ” Ground Pounding at the ‘Pod’ ” story is well under weigh. I have written a covering letter explaining that SPL contests use differing TMI kit and that while microphone calibration is a debateable item world wide, the explosives consultants’ seismometer is set to world wide physics lab standards. The risk assessment got included, a lovely letter for the scientists arrived in a Vibrock Environmental Consultants”> information folder and had the calibration certificate for the unit and some lovely sensible hard science to back up our claim. Things like a high resolution .pdf of the event and the graph used to derive the weight of explosives. There are the print outs made on the day and a roll of printouts from a previous ‘Quake in 2003 that I kept by way of proof on it being a thing we have done before.
Scientist Dave Hogg even wrote a set of rules for world wide BassQuaker contests, which I WILL follow up. I feel the need to report from Miami!
Witness statements from Chris Woods who just had to come see and the young lad Rickweb who came down from Wigan to see his heroes all in one place turn out to be vital to the claim and along with the K&M video and the Anglia TV clip on the site as well as the big old Fast Car feature called BassQuake in issue 274 still on sale right now, £4.49 at all good newsagents (“…and s**t ones as well” Steve ‘Scary’ Chalmers Editor Fast Car) I really hope we have a strong case. It’ll be up to the folks at Guinness World Records and I reckon the only possible down check might be the H&S issue – hence the Risk Assessment and careful organisation on the day. But keep your fingers crossed – and everything else as it’d be such fun to see Talk Audio & Fast Car as Record-setters!
Back in the real word we have one of the Most Significant Releases this year with the second-from-top-of-the-range newbie headunit from Alpine. The CDA-105Ri; an important story since this is the one that tends to sell the most as a peak of VFM with Alpine-ness. Yum!
Adam Rayner – Online Editor