Monday, February 24, 2025
Car AudioNews

Contralube770 This Magical Secret Snot Keeps Your Connections Hot!

So, I get this slightly bonkers contact from Facebook. A chum called Ross ‘˜Bass Mechanic’ Waterhouse raving on about a new kind of stuff in a tube that stops your electrical connections from getting all high impedance and shoddy through micro-corrosion. It has all kinds of magical qualities, this Super Snot and it read like damn Snake Oil. Resisting the urge to ask if it would, as Frank Zappa once said, ‘cure my asthma too’ I in fact began to be intrigued enough to ask to be put in contact by this young loon, with the folks who deal with it at a company called Newgate Simms Speciality Chemicals & Lubricants. It all got a bit grown up a bit quick after that and I am assured that this stuff is so effective that it has applications in car manufacture, with customers in the UK. Anyway, to cut it short from me, here is the information, on the stuff that is winging its way to my home, right now:
Contralube770 is a clear gel that is primarily used as an electrical/electronic connector and contact protector gel. Contralube 770 can also be used on any data connection digital or analogue.

Typical Applications For Contralube770
Multipin Connectors Electronic & Data Connections
Electro/Mechanical & Terminals
Communications & Radio Controlled Equipment
CCTV & Audio Visual Equipment
Vehicle Electrics (Adam Rayner’s italics!)
The product in more depth: Contralube770 is actually technically classed as a grease but we prefer to call it a gel. It has excellent ‘˜stay-in-place’ properties and will consistently out perform the competition. There are situations where a general purpose smelly spray lubricant (you know the brands we are on about) is not the best substance for the job at hand you need a more permanent solution. Oils too can be very messy so on many occasions Contralube is the ideal tool to lubricate and protect your parts/components.
Contralube770 will protect your electrical, electronics and data terminations from moisture (inc. salt water), corrosion, wear, dust, rust, vibration (fretting) damage, verdigris (the green coating that builds up on copper) etc. Amazingly, it doesn’t affect the current/voltage or degrade the quality of the signal no more intermittent circuitry problems or gremlins in your equipment!
Contralube770 can be used on all connector types multipin, spade, bullet, screw, bayonet etc and will improve the reliability of connectors and extend connector life.

Features & Benefits Of Contralube770:
State of the art formula does not cause circuit impedance nor affect data signal quality
Water and salt water resistant (weatherproofing from rain & spray).
Prevents oxidation Extends life of contacts/connectors.
Halts vibration (fretting) corrosion ideal preventative maintenance solution.
Prohibits contact wear reduces costs.
Dielectric product cannot introduce faults if mis-applied (breakdown voltage is 10kV).
Synthetic product does not evaporate.
UV dye included aids inspection when applied in thin layers.
Contralube770 does not contain silicone.
Directions For Use
Apply generously to the connector or contact surface you wish to protect. In the case of multipin connectors, squirt directly into the male and female pins/holes of the connector you wish to safeguard. Apply to bullet, spade or any other type of push fit connector. Contralube770 is compatible with most plastics and all metals (including gold and silver) so is suitable to protect any metal on metal interface.
Recommended Service Range (°C) -40 to 130
Why Contralube?
Facts & myths about lubricating electrical connectors
Wondering if you need a synthetic grease for you electrical contacts and connectors? Here are some facts and myths to help you make your decision. If added cost is a concern, keep in mind that lubricating a large terminal with a premium synthetic grease costs just a few pence.
Myth 1 Grease attracts dirt
Magnets attract, greases don’t. Dirt does stick to grease, but that means the grease is doing its job. Contralube creates an environmental barrier, so dirt and moisture stay away from the contact surface. Without this protection, contact metals oxidize more quickly.
Myth 2 Lubricants interfere with conductivity
Tests on lubricated and nonlubricated connectors show virtually no difference in contact surface resistance. A contact surface is a series of microscopic peaks and valleys like a mountain range. Current flows through the peaks (Figure 1) the mountain tops, known as asperities. A contact lubricant fills in the valleys, protecting the metal from oxidation and is squeezed out of the asperities, allowing the current to flow.
Myth 3 Gold-plated contacts don’t need grease
Contact manufacturers typically apply a thin gold plating on top of a metal connector like tin or copper. The plating is microscopically porous and can easily be scratched and damaged, even during initial mating of the contacts. Over time, oxides of the exposed metal connector below the gold plating will ‘˜ooze’ through the pores of unlubricated gold plating and cause open circuit resistance. A thin film of lubricant, which cost far less than a thicker layer of gold, seals those pores and guards against scratches and metal oxidation.
Fact 1 Lubricants prevent corrosion
Without lubricant protection, contact metals are extremely susceptible to corrosion. Lubricants seal contacts from oxygen, moisture, aggressive gasses and other hostile elements. In applications where the connector is exposed to the elements, filling the connector housing with grease before mating is also recommended. The grease acts as a back-up environmental seal.
Fact 2 Lubricants lower insertion force
A thin film of lubricant reduces mating force by as much as 80 percent. For multi-pin connectors or connectors in hard-to-reach places, low insertion force ensures solid connections and efficient assembly.
Fact 3 Lubricants dissipate the effect of micro-motion
Contact metals are subject to fretting/vibration corrosion abrasion resulting from low amplitude vibration caused by motion or thermal expansion and contraction. Abraded metal can build up and break the connection. A lubricant minimises metal-to-metal wear, protecting the contact from corrosion.
Fact 4 Lubricants save money
Lubricants improve the performance and extend the operating life of electrical contacts. Consequently, connector lubricants reduce the amount of faults, extend the life of electrical connections and so reduce the frequency of repairs required.
Contralube770 Uses
Multipin Connectors & Connections
Contralube770 is ideal for all your multi-pin connectors. Ever had a circuit fault/intermittent problem or annoying ‘˜gremlins’ in your circuit? Much of the time, just disconnecting connectors in the circuit and re-seating the connector will cure the problem. Why is this? Could be the build up of oxides on the contact surfaces? Could be water ingress, vibration corrosion.the list goes on.
An application of Contralube770 is the ideal preventative maintenance solution stop these problems before they occur and it causes less headaches and equipment down time.
You can load up your electrical and non-electrical connectors with Contralube and it will not interfere with the current flow or in the case of non-electrical connection, it will not harm or degrade the signal that is going through the connection, e.g. radio waves or digital signals
Contralube can be termed ‘˜dielectric’ which translates to a material which has negligible electrical or thermal conductivity. Although Contralube770 may be physically bridging a gap between two separate pins/circuits it will not allow the current to pass between the pins. Contralube has similar conductive properties to air, so if you do not experience arcing/shorting between pins in unlubricated connectors then the addition of Contralube770 should not change the performance/characteristics of the component.
While Contralube770 protects you connector, it also helps the assembly of connectors especially the larger connections. Many connector faults are the result of forcing male and female parts together at incorrect angles, mostly due to the connectors being located in hard to reach places. Contralube770 is effective at reducing the mating force required, ensuring solid connections and efficient assembly.
Electro/Mechanical & Terminals
Contralube770 is good for all terminals spade, fork, bullet etc. Also battery connections, external antennae connections; pretty much everything electro/mechanical and all metal on metal surfaces.
Contralube770 will weatherproof your connection and help stop rust, vibration corrosion and the general build up of oxides. You can load up the electrical and signal connectors with Contralube and it will not harm/degrade the current/voltage or signal that is going through the contacts superb!
Contralube has a snazzy ultra violet (UV) ingredient in it so that it turns blue when exposed to direct sunlight. Why would we do this? Well some engineer use Contralube in very small amounts and in hard to reach places with the UV ingredient you can use a UV ‘˜black light’ to inspect which contacts have been protected by Contralube.
When air gets to copper that green slime builds up on the surface. Well this slime will eventually affect the conductivity of the contact and the connection may fail. Prevention is better than cure right well Contralube has a special ‘˜copper deactivator’ that stops the evil green slime building up on the surface.
Here’s another example. You know when your torch or remote control stops working if it hasn’t been used for some time. You knock it on a hard surface or give it a shake, then it works! Well the reason for this is oxides building up on the contact faces of the battery connection. Contralube will stop this with just a small dab on the contact areas. This kind of problem occurs in many different machines and devices and is the cause of many a gremlin in your equipment sound familiar?
Noble metals (e.g. gold or silver) are sometimes used as a plating on a terminal. A plating can be microscopically porous and can easily be scratched away, even during the initial mating of a connector. Over time nasty oxides of the metal underneath (e.g. copper) the noble metal can cause the connection to fail either by managing to ooze through the pores or take advantage of the noble metal being scratched during mating.
Communications & Radio Controlled Equipment
Contralube will weather proof your communications connections. ‘˜But surely it will effect the signal?’.I hear you say. You can load up your electrical and non-electrical connectors with Contralube and it will not interfere with the current flow or in the case of an analogue or digital signal, it will not degrade the signal quality.
Contralube770 is ideal for your external antennae connections, it acts as a barrier/environmental seal against all things nasty that would harm the quality of the signal. From CB aerials to satellite comms terminations, you can rely on Contralube770.
Radio controlled models are exposed to the elements; models using small two stroke engines also experience high levels of vibration. Contralube770 is just the ticket to keep your model aeroplane, helicopter, boat or car in good working order.
Vehicle Electrics
Contralube770 was originally designed for the automotive industry. The auto industry are constantly battling with vibration corrosion and water ingress problems in their connectors/circuitry.
Our state of the art gel can protect all your connections multipin, spade contacts, battery connections, external antennae connections; pretty much everything electro/mechanical. Contralube770 is compatible with all metals (including gold and silver) and is compatible with most plastics so there is no need to worry.
Contralube is primarily an electrical contact grease but it can be used for loads of different jobs. A run through some of the many automotive applications for Contralube770..
Electrical connections (multi-pin, bullet, spade etc), automotive bulb contact areas, spark plug boots, distributor/ignition systems, hinges, locks, latches, trailer hitch electrical connections, springs, gears, seat tracks, battery terminals, door latches, antennas and much more.
Ever had those annoying gremlins in your wiring engine management type warning lights or ABS warning lights appearing now and then. This type of intermittent fault is sometimes a sign connectors or contact surfaces are being affected by oxidation or maybe moisture finding its way in to your equipment a small application of Contralube770 would stop all this hassle and is more of a permanent solution than a solvent spray lubricants. Contralube is a big favourite in the classic car market for just this type of problem.
While Contralube770 protects your connector, it also helps the assembly of connectors especially the larger connections. Many connector faults are the result of forcing male and female connector ends together at incorrect angles, mostly due to the connectors being located in hard to reach places. Contralube770 is effective at reducing the mating force required, ensuring solid connections and efficient assembly.
CCTV & Audio Visual Equipment
Contralube will weatherproof your CCTV connections. ‘˜But surely it will affect the picture?’..I hear you say. You can load up your electrical and non-electrical connectors with Contralube and it will not interfere with the current flow or in the case of an analogue or digital signal, it will not degrade the signal quality.
Ideal for external audio visual applications, access and control devices the signal will not be degraded and the contact points/multipin connections will be environmentally sealed against all the nasty things that would harm the connection an ideal preventative maintenance tool.

For more information
Please visit our website at Controlube