Monday, March 10, 2025
Car Audio


I have decided to throw down with video this year as it will get the stuff to you the faster. I have made a bunch of still photography with my lovely new Canon EOS D7 already and will get at more data, later to go with the shots I shall turn into galleries. But for now, these videos, already loaded up onto my Presenterbloke channel on YouTube, are embedded here for your immediate delectation.
So far, I have seen and hit up MTX, met James Howe of UK Kenwood, which is interesting, as he swore blind that he was not there, even as he warmly greeted colleagues from Kenwood in the Netherlands in front of the huge JVC Kenwood exhibition area and have made arrangements to get back there tomorrow first thing to do some video stuff.
First, I went to CES Unveiled. This is in a big room in the Mandalay Bay:
And then, I went to talk to the Griffin Technologies people, who as well as making the very best rugged cases for phones and stuff, they have some lovely wire control bits and bobs. Meet ‘clip’ and ‘hanger’:
After that, I happened upon Vicky Hewlett who was once with Blaupunkt and sent me and a snapper and TWO prize winners to Las Vegas with us, as a prize. I recall the winner’s girlfriend did NOT believe me when I called to tell them they had won! She has been with PURE for nine years, now
Then, very knackered and stupid, I actually asked these people how hard their sapphire-like glass was, on the MOH scale, silly sod!
Here, slightly random, as it processed faster than others, is a video I made in my hotel room at the Excalibur Hotel.
HAHA, I forgot I videoed THIS. It is simply a clip from a taxi cab while driving back past the Las Vegas sign after a tiny shop.
This clip is the first proper item I filmed at the show and has an amazing driving simulator on it that will make hardcore driving gamers hurty about the nipples with want
And this is the MTX Polaris Ground Pounder ‘ATV looney mobile’ as I said in the clip!
BUT the MTX 2.4L 190bhp Slingshot is cooler than an Aventador in my opinion.
And finally today (although I am off to do after-hours stuff with JL Audio who are in town right now)

I hope you liked all that, I will be getting product-detail-heavy next, as I have a filming appointment in the morning on the JVC-Kenwood stand, for yes, they are one and the same parent company these days.