Sunday, March 9, 2025
Car AudioNews

Dealer-Grade Freebies For Talk Audio Readers From Alpine!!

I have been on the thieving tip for you guys again!
So there I was at BCSS Brian Car Sounds in Coulsdon when I clapped eyes upon the branded freebies that Alpine’s Tim had brought with him to support the BCSS open day’s Alpine-ness. There were a few of the screen cleaner sets, some of those extruded aluminium bottle-openers, all Alpine-branded and smart looking and a new one on me, moulded polymer rubber wristbands with Alpine written on them.and a digital dinky-wee watch embedded within it!
An award-winning promotional concept, you actually swag an LCD digital watch that is even waterproof to an atmosphere’s worth of extra pressure. You use the two buttons on the back to set the time, and date.
I gather they come in useful to be thrown into dealer’s orders to sweeten the deal and allow them to ‘˜treat’ buyers of Alpine kit. However, I have swagged ten of them (there were eleven but I’m having one for meee!!) to give to you guys. All you need do is go to the Alpine site from a banner click (as yes, Talk Audio IS paid for by the ads we sell to the great and the good, just like a paper magazine, so DO please click the odd ad banner when you think of it, as it helps Talk Audio run free) and have a look at the Alpine website.
Then, come back here and leave a copy-and-pasted URL of a page from the site of your choice and make some kind of contextual reference, comment, joke, whatever, about it on the comments system below, to simply prove you went there.
If any ‘˜professional competitors’ stumble upon this and copy and paste a previous entry, it’s disqualified and YOU can report and I’ll delete.
The best ten, simply chosen at Benign Despotic Whim (Just like flinging/handing them to people from a car show stage) will get told they have SWAGGED and then you have to send me an SAE – a strong envelope with a LARGE 1st Class category stamp on it and your name and address to me and I’ll post ‘˜em back, as we just did for the Fusion Lanyards.
Thing is, if you put the wrong stamp on, I cannot send it back, it’s a 1st Class LARGE that’ll be needed.
So, if you are an Alpine fan, I KNOW you will want one, so let’s break a TA comment thread record!
1) refresh mag page until Alpine banner ad appears in a square banner(also from Forum header)
2) Click Alpine banner
3) Have a wander around Alpine website and pick a page to copy the URL from (bit at the top)
4) Paste the URL in the comments section and add a bit, like ‘I want one of these so bad I can taste it’ or whateverbut it must be your words.
5) Cross fingers!
I’ll PM those who SWAG!