Monday, January 13, 2025
Car AudioNews

Digital Designs’ Open Top Jeep A Puerto Rican Bass Lord

This news story is mostly for bass heads! Any true dyed-in-the-wool car audio nut knows that while the Europeans have done some savage catching up in power and lunacy terms with high power SPL-competition-aimed products recently, the real home of extreme car audio is the USA. And one of the most ‘˜out there’ of all brands is the no-compromise outfit from Oklahoma called Digital Designs.
Recently on board Talk Audio as site associates, we will be reviewing some of their equipment. Starting with an eight-inch ready-made bass box I have sat here. But for the time being I felt you would like to know about some real hardcore Puerto Ricans from an outfit called JM Sound Center. The install below in a Jeep is by Jose Manuel Sanchez, the guv’nor, and is just lovely. Look at the quality of fit and finish to his work. Gorgeous.

Now check out the central bullet tweeter and subs in small knee-height enclosures. A cunning and tight-space-built enclosure built in a small cubby hole that keeps it proof from the elements. Even if it is warm in Puerto Rico, it can fricking pour down, too!

And what looks like a simple cluster of extra mids, is in fact provision of some real meat from the back as DD make eights like no one else! I love the grille work here.

Intrigued, I googled and found a dealership very much in the mad SPL bracket, to be admired by our bass heads and DD Fan boys and this video seemed very worth putting before you. It kinda makes you want to go visit. I have known for ages that Puerto Rico is a real hot bed of SPL competition. It’d be so cool to go on holiday there and see it first hand. Check out this promo video they love their DD!

Part of the whole new focus on the UK for Digital Designs is that Aayush Limited want to find a select crew of dealers with bricks and mortar shops, who can stock a select few products to show Digital Designs customers just what they are getting, because the engineering is bonkers and highly customisable if you have the time and cash. I will check which products being held for sale in the UK, and get back to you with a ‘˜shipping now, story, I promise, but for just now, feast your eyes upon the deep lunacy of Jose Manuel Sanchez and just know that he is already your friend, since you have so much in common..

Dealers with shops and customers who will like DD can Call Sudhir at Aayush on 020 8684 0770
or 077 6894 8289 to enquire about stocking Digital Designs Audio products. Or e-mail at [email protected]

The UK website is link