Thursday, March 6, 2025


As we ponder the Judeo-Christian significance of eggs and the fecund rabbit as a symbol of the Biblical death and resurrection of The Nazarene, whilst the tree from Yule rots in the garden, we can rest easy that The Intu Shopping centre at least, will be shut on Easter day.
Yes, along with Christmas, the UK is still shut on Easter day, in certain places. All the places that service our leisure will be bustling, though. Legoland, anyone? And in our world, Easter always means planning the Modified Nationals show at the end of May.
This year there will be a new trader with a stall of mobile electronics and installation goodies on sale in the main paved area just outside the exhibition hall. Car Audio Motions, with boss husband and wife team Jodie and Mark at the helm. They really have done amazing things by working enormously hard and producing fine work. So much so, that a few of their adhesively happy band of customers have formed themselves into Team C.A.M., quite to the bemused delight of Jodie & Mark, who have welcomed them as part of their show presence.
Car Audio Motions will be having the crazed, bonkers ALPHARD products on the stand. The Deafbonce woofer that plays 160dB if you got the rest of the system, other stuff from the crazy Slavic audio nutters. Also a bunch of useful, nay VITAL kit from Aamp Of America, via their UK outpost, who take C.A.M. seriously. As well as a slew of Ground Zero kit, as this has had them fashion some improbable installs.
I go back to the very beginning of GZ and the mad naming of the products after ionising radiation nuclear weaponry has always been a bit rugged. The products are named from mild to wild and start with the ‘˜Radioactive’ range and go through to Plutonium at the mad end. The Plutonium woofers can take TEN THOUSAND WATTS EACH.
Team C.A.M. will be Dave Nicholls’ orange Mitzubishi Pajero, bassed by with 4x12in, plus 4x8in Radioactives; Reg Mackmurdie’s Nissan Pulsar van (I just had to look that rarey UP!) which has got ten JBL legendary super VFM GT5 12 inchers in it. Then it’s Dave White’s Fiat Seicento with six 12in Radioactive Ground Zero woofers and we also have Craig Dunnill (NOT EFFING Dunhill, OK!??) who has a Corsa with four of those same radioactive woofersbut in 15in size. How in hell these are fitted, I don’t know.
Then it’s the boss nutters. Rob Evans has an Astra SRi with two of the insane 15inch Plutonium woofers and all them bow down to Queen Bee Jodie herself, whose BMW M3 convertible has got speakers like tropical toads lay their eggs in tessellations upon their backs! Speakers everywhere.
This outfit is getting noticed.
If you are not a show goer but still enjoy your rolling music, good on you. Get out there, cruise gently and enjoy a tune or two while you burp on easter eggs.
Drive carefully and do avoid the old Boomph Tinkle.
Adam Rayner, OnLine Editor