Sunday, February 23, 2025


FIRST I want to offer a huge congratulations to a certain Ian ‘Iceman’ Pinder, for he and his car have been filmed for Top Gear Series 2, AC. (After Clarkson) It was so sweet. I heard he had been called by a researcher and asked for the specification of his car and knew that he would be at the legendary Ace Café, at least three hours early for the assignation. I kinda figured that his Ground Zero BMW would be, as the most telegenic thing you ever saw, along with his tall and charismatic self, an absolute shoe-in to make the cut as soon as they had spoken to him. When he said so on Facebook, folks were asking if he had only met the film crew OR THE ACTUAL PRESENTERS? Which was silly, really, as they kinda ask the questions at these things. I will be looking forward to seeing this and will alert you as soon as we have a screen date.
Recently, I parted with Home Cinema Choice. A magazine that I had worked with longer than anyone else on the title. Some 270 issues over many years. Subsequently, I have found that the audience right here were hungry to read about the mad end home audio as well. So I have started to publish press releases from my mates in home audio PR. And invite more to send stuff to [email protected]. That McIntosh MB50 is drool-worthy, for one.
I went off to the HiFi Show in Bristol, ‘Sound & Vision’, which in the past has been homework and then do a review or two in a room at lunchtime in later years. This year was different, for I was going to promote Talk Stuff magazine, the hundred thousand unique visitors we still get in good month and my efforts as a videographer. I have a wildly potent new set of ENG kit and while the actual content was cool, I have a huge learning curve to travel. (And a lapel radio mic to get, cheers Guru!) The first bit was a tad gravelly, let us say! Article and a real Curate’s Egg of a video to follow.
The days are at last drawing out and it feels good to be up early on a Spring morning pity I hardly ever see that! Drive carefully, look out for hares, enjoy your tunes, don’t get nicked
Adam Rayner On Line Editor.