Sunday, February 23, 2025
Car AudioNews


The car audio scene talks in hushed tones about the nutters who enter sound quality competitions in the European Mobile Multimedia Association sound off contests. They have ones for bass heads, too. But the sound off is the pinnacle of skill and product performance. The hobby or pastime or all consuming life defining passion, be what ever it is, seems to peak with the sound off contestant.
And after a season of competing, a car that can trog a four figure mileage there and back to drive to Salzburg in Austria (although as you will see from boss man Andrew Ackerley’s report to follow, we were small fry in terms of mad mileages travelled to attend.) is no Trailer Queen. That’s a trip and a half. And those select few entrants to sound off in the UK that qualified and were then invited to go and could make it, are an elite amongst an elite. Special mention to the nutters who went as tourists because they love it so much. In particular Vicky and Leannemy kinda gals! What follows is Andrew Ackerly, chief cheese at EMMA UK’s words:

From twenty five degrees Celsius and sunny skies to six inches of snow, it was not only the weather that had its ups and downs in Austria in finals week , as Team UK, all twenty-seven of us, travelled to Salzburg to represent the United Kingdom at the European Mobile Media Association European final , held for its second year now in Salzburg, this event is when the best of the best audio cars from all across Europe , congregate to go head to head to see who will be worthy of returning to their home land with some all-important silverware.
Team UK was comprised of nine cars competing in eleven classes, two ESPL , two EMMA Racing, seven in sound quality, varying from Advanced 4k all the way to Expert 7 Channel.
With an average of 1,000 miles covered each way, the travelling was an achievement in itself, or so we thought until we met Team Kazakhstan who covered 6,770 kilometres (over 4,000 miles ) over seven days! Not to be outdone, Mirage Car Audio from Hong Kong sent over their high end ground zero packed Honda Accord. (Which in my honest opinion is one of the nicest builds I’ve ever seen the craftsmanship was just outstanding) Along with the Honda they also sent over the BoomTuk, Ground Zero’s very wacky Tuk Tuk demo car for its first public unveiling. At 16,000 kilometres this was shipped in, not driven, like the Kazakhstan boys but hats off to both for a fantastic commitment.

GZ headed up the main sponsors of the event alongside Rockford Fosgate, with a full array of show cars from all over Europe. Featuring motorised dash boards and that flair that RF has been bringing to its team cars for so so many years now. Not forgetting the rest of the international partners all of which make hosting these events possible. To whit: Mosconi , Gladen Audio , Vibe , Rainbow , DLS , German Maestro , Helix and Brax.
With the toughest competition Europe had to offer ,over one hundred and seventy cars competing in two hundred and twenty six classes, Team UK stood tall and held their own. We did our best, drank some beers and took in all the fantastic sights Salzburg and the road trip had to offer. Now back in the UK with the weeks counting down to the new season kick off event when it all starts over again.
A huge ‘Well Done!’ to all Team UK competitors and supporters who attended the event.

Sean Moreno: 3rd place ESPL Advanced Unlimited
Nigel Hill: 7th ESPL Master W & 4th place, Advanced Racing
Jonathan Goldsmith: SQ Advanced 4,000 Euro & Advanced Racing
Cristian Martin: Master 4,000 Euro, 9th place
Horst Starke: Master 6 Channel, 9th place
Elliot Whitby: Master Unlimited, 19th
Richard Salmon: Master Unlimited, 3rd place
Nigel Skingley: Expert 7 Channel, 8th place
James Patterson Master OEM, 8th place
EMMA UK Round One for 2014 will be held at Car Audio & Security in Hayes on the 26th and 27th of April 2014 see here for more details and how to enter as a first-timer. EMMA
Some pics of the competition they were up against: