Saturday, October 5, 2024
Car AudioNews

Ex Clarion Promo Girl Bites Lump Out of Big Apple!

Think on ladsIf you are like me, even those of you with the lousiest pea-brain short-term memories on the planet will have a compartment built like Fort Knox where you store those memories forever of beautiful women that have passed before your peepers. Right? Those girls that made you ache a little with longing, just by existing?
Well now, if your specialised subject was hanging out at all those bootylicious car shows like USC, some years back, you’ll know that top magnet for babe-spotting was Clarion’s mega-rig, Colossus, because they had the most leg-melting, lip-dribbling laydees who wriggled and giggled, danced and pranced on stage and on the humungous catwalk shows that Clarion laid on for your pleasure.
Of course some of us got closer than others. Like Yours Truly, who even got paid for the pleasure. (No, hang on, somebody had to do it) Now, hand on heart, I have to admit at the risk of causing offence, that while I loved them alI, I had a faveHer name was Lucy and she just glowed from within somehow. One look into those saucer-sized, super green eyes and I was gone. Be still my beating heart!
But then Colossus was destroyed in an arson attack, Lucy was seen no more, and life was never the same again..I still get called Mr. Clarion by those who only knew me from the shows, as well.
Yesterday, out of the blue came this picture that bought it all back. Yes, that’s me, the Lucky Fat Bastid with steam coming out of his ears, flanked by a trio of Clarion lovelies. Nadia and Zara on my right, with luscious Lucy puckering up smoulderingly on my left. Heaven!

It was Clarion’s ever-vigilant PR folk who brightened my day. (And I shall remain forever grateful.) And what’s more, they proved what I always knew – If you’ve got it, bloody well flaunt it
Because they tell me that young Lucy, though sheer gutsy determination and buckets of talent (not to mention her meltdown looks) is now in New York, in theatre, TV and film, after pushing and shoving her way through acres of red tape and beating huge competition so her talent could flourish at a Drama School in yonder Big Apple. And word is those lucky Noo-Yoikers are going to have our Lucy Norris to themselves as she’s hoping to stay there for good if current immigration procedures work out well. Fingers crossed.
Fair? Absolutely. Good on you gal. Mine’s a front row seat on Fifth Avenue please.

(Other pic shows Lucy in New York; and a reminder of why lads looked)
Meanwhile, if you want to know about Clarion’s 2011 kit, have a shufty here: