Sunday, March 9, 2025
Car AudioNews

FIVE Deadmau5 Mini Speakers Swagged out Via Talk Audio Privilige Club

This just published as a thread over on the Privilege Club forum board. I heartily recommend you buy yourself twelve quid’s worth of Talk Audio Privilege club goodness this Christmas. In ONE transaction, with the various discounts and stuff that the seriously cool Jexdirectedtech has set up, such as the one with Car Audio Direct and a sexy discount code, you will more than pay for it, right away. It’s a no-brainer really and these wee swags are always directed there first… here’s the happy winners’ information posting:

OK, ONE goes off to Mister Pioneer who checks TA out all the time and has some input this morning..
Coo ….too greedy. only one each and get more to pair em up, was the plot……
THREE Voltdropastra.. you WIIIIN!!
FOUR Christian… you WIIIIN!!
FIVE Bass_Junkie 83, to save your balls… you WIIIIN!!
and I don’t effing get one… T*TS!
I have linked two up and they are tiny but fugging CHUG!! Bonkers wee spudneys….. and it has to be said, the cool hip young dude as works for Pioneer and listens to Radio One Xtra on digital radio, is also a deadmau5 fan and made reference to him first – or rather his music, to me ages back. At the time, my reaction was exactly as WTF as in Who… as DEVICES. (he was puzzled…Ed) But the speaker vendors told me a little more and I am of course an old fart. Listening to the track above as I type and it’s kicking… thanks KUBE (he posted a linky to a track to hear on YouTube)
So, now I need your delivery addresses PM – ing to enable me to post a small and lightweight yet surprisingly sexy-potent little speakerette to you for Christmas!
Adam Rayner (AKA Father TalkAudiomas!)

I feel all Christmassy…let’s just see if we can get the four addresses in fast enough to get them all out to their respective bods in time for the day
PS wanna BUY one or six? Here’s a politically correct Google search page listing. Incidentally, Talk Audio’s news piece on the speaker’s chrome version makes page ONE!