Friday, March 7, 2025

Free My Willies!

I am yet again behind in doing what my mouth states I shall. Not entirely but close. For I am still wanting to raise funds for my chum’s cataract operation. As an American, he has not the safety net of the NHS, that my mum was so passionate about. He needs still more than half of the $11,000 he has on GoFundMe.
I cannot sell forgotten and written off, nor especially ‘˜White Box’ ex-review equipment for my own benefit and look myself in the eye, so it has builded up a little over the years. Now, I am selling the lot, as long as I have a test rig amp and source unit of quality, I can run tests. I have an SACD deck from Sony with a cracked screen so cannot flog that. The sound of Super Audio CD is mental, as is DVD-Audio (anyone recall THAT?) which it can also play, so I can give posh speakers a terrifying run for their money.
The job was ten times bigger than I blithely realised and I have had a (500 mile round trip) long-flung wedding, an awful funeral as far away and a far-flung outdoors event I desperately wanted to get to as well and it all eats time and energy. However, the Pioneer P88RS II high end head unit has resulted in $130 US going into the GoFundMe account of Mr. Neil Case, just for being mentioned and then someone asked about it on the Talk Stuff messenger system.
Case-San is The Bass Mekanik. The actual artist-producer. If you ever played a bass track from a ‘˜proper’ Bass Label recording, the chances are, you have heard or know of his work.
It’s simple, buy the stuff by paying into that account with my knowing the name going on the donation in advance and the message referencing the equipment on the site, then I ship at my cost in the UK.
There’s plenty more to go and each Dollar counts. I know times are tough and there are LOTS of good and deeply important causes out there but if you can and if you enjoyed his music please slap a bit on the account. Go fund me
Meanwhile, under the Toy Story Directive, this headunit is FREE! NO LONGER IN THE ATTIC! Once, it was a boxfresh review ‘˜Known Awesome’ source-piece sent directly from ma G-Man Janday at Pioneer and finally it is now in a dashboard as seen above, as it should always have been. This is Free Willy for headunits and Rayner Stash Stuff. No to endless empty captivity and yes to being played with as toys should be.
And I am going to get snapping the rest of the equipment.
Drive carefully, enjoy your tunes, don’t get nicked.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor