Sunday, March 16, 2025
Car AudioNews


As Rifiki The Wise Old Baboon kept ON saying in The Lion King, ‘It Is Tiiiiime&;’ Time to do some free stuff. Uh-huh, it’s Freebie Friday! And I have a tasty digital radio head unit from Kenwood. The second of ten, the first went to this bloke: link and the next could be thine!
First, our dear chums, the slightly odd and entirely loveable nutters at shiny thing-meisters Dodo Juice have been on the receiving end of some Rayner Swaggery. And yea verily hath they gone with it And I have secured four rounds’-worth of valuable Dodo Juice swag for the stalwarts of the European Mobile Multimedia Association (EMMA) sound off competition series. There are fully four collections of triple-sets of Dodo Juice goodness. Such that at each of four rounds, three EMMA entrants could swag a set.
These Dodo Juice swags comprise one £29.95 100ml pot of Supernatural Hybrid wax, one £6.95 Supernatural Buffing Cloth and one £4.95 Supernatural Finger Mitt and a £7.95 bottle opener altogether worth a sexy £49.80.
Trouble is, it was bloody soaking and madly time-pressured at the end of the Modified Nationals show, where I went to collect the booty directly from the guys on their booth (It was EMMA round 2) and so I lost grip in the panic that was being late for the main stage prizes as I was still doing the EMMA ones. All of which is to explain that a hat was used with EMMA entrants in it and I can reveal that these three lucky stiffs have been swagged the first three sets.
Stuart Occleshaw
Chris Wood
Stuart Bateman
Still on the EMMA front, the best show last year was the Brands Hatch one in roasting sunshine. This year the same Modified Live show on Sunday July 8th is hosting round 3 of the EMMA UK sound off season. Registration is open here; EMMA
Get on there and register, it’s a brilliant day out.
Aaand NOW the BIG SWAG.

A Kenwood KDC-DAB455IU digital radio headunit (complete with fully effective film-mount antenna) if you are the one Chosen One and five more of the cute Kenwood USB sticks that look like a faceplate if you are a nearly-dude. All you have to do is go to the Kenwood site here:
link then find a page you fancy and make a single contextual-reference comment about it below. I will ask Mister Kenwood ( a very fair and pale Celtic type of fellow) when he gets back off his hols in the Canary Islands (he reckons he will get a nice tan. Like a Lobster) to choose the winners. So chip in!