Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Car AudioNews

Giant Rabbits Invade Weybridge

Not strictly in our pidgin perhaps but How in the name of all things creative do you follow up a legendary million-bouncing rubber balls Sony Bravia TV ‘Colour. Like no Other.’ advertising campaign? The answer as we now know is a host of morphing rabbits and crashing 3D waves in a square in the Big Apple.
Going to Sony recently as described in our ‘This Week’ bit at the top of the page I visited with David Fatkin – a man almost startled by his own seniority these days (we all get older David&;) – who on my first visit had just received a message from Sony HR telling him just how many years he had been with the company. Which is lots!
A totally stalwart fellow, he gave me some of his time of day despite having been called into a late notice meeting and even leaped into action with a Sony Cybershot camera to capture this image of the biggest bunny of all from the adverts who, along with a bunch of his smaller chums is now in residence in the atrium at Sony’s UK HQ at historic Brooklands in Weybridge, Surrey.
We’ll be bringing you the latest on the new Sony automotive line up as soon as we have it. Meanwhile, if you go to Weybridge you’d better pack some very big (preferably GRP) carrots.