Saturday, March 29, 2025
Car Audio


Not many people know that Ian ‘˜Iceman’ Pinder’s white Astravan had £65,000 retail’s worth of Orion and West Coast Customs audio-visual equipment in it. Ian made Great Big Systems and Orion HCCA woofers in particular, all the rage once again. That was some years back.
It was me that swiped the equipment deal for him.
I have been and continue to be responsible for matching up the RIGHT recipients of sponsored equipment with the very few importers and distributors who want to place such kit. I reckon that down the years, that will have added up to the other thirty-five grand.
But the big secret is not ego, it is the LACK of it. It is not ‘˜I am gonna’ it is ‘˜I have done THIS..’ and it is always about who you know and what ACTUAL magazine features you have had or are properly promised based upon a reputation.
But you always get those who are just soaked in their own self entitlement. What follows is hilarious and has been sent to a company I know by a lad who was stroppy when not given the e-mail address IMMEDIATELY he asked. I shall add some little bits in italic, by way of advice but the first is know about the target. The strop on the phone happened to be given to one of the business partners! Look out for the bit where he thinks his car will be in the movies (Oh and run a damn spell checker, kid.)
‘Hi there my name is ****** and i am highly intrested in creating a car project for charity purpouses to raise a steady income for cancer and diabetes. (Do you mean a CHARITY? Which ones? Ed.)
The way i will do this is upon the compleation of the project it will be all over the internet, featured in major magazines, featured in the papers, going to lots and lots of events such as MFN, jap fest, fast car, max power, (Max Power and its show closed Ed.) and many more, also selling space for worldwide promotion for companies and businesses in the car industy such as your selfs, by means of there company sticker placed on the project to bring charity income.
I am looking for:
Lots of car parts such as subwoofer speakers and amps and head units, alloys, a full front end minus the windscreen and the engine, led lights, lowering springs, bonnet vents, and lots of other items needed.
If you can help with any donations and if your an established company for the automotive industry and wish for free promotion for the donation then please do make contact with me with what items your willing to donate.
P.S THE PROJECT WILL BE A ONE OFF AND HIGHLY INTRESTABLE UPON COMPLETION AND I MAY NEED YOUR SERVICE AGAIN. (Due to the amount of marketing there will be a 85% chance of someone asking me/us to build one for them which ofcause will bring myself and you as a company some further income/proffit (my proffit will 100% go to charity).
I am looking to build the project all of the following product makes.
Ill be looking on (for example), x 3-4 subwoofers of the same make from the following, x 2-3 amplifiers of the same make from the following, and prefrobly the same make head unit from the following make list.
JL Audio
Juice Audio
Whats needed”
Team/busines uniform/clothing
(If you can be the only business to donate/fund the project ill by all means be very happy to promote you via means of waring one of your tshirts (summer time), jumpers (winter time), and cap/hats if possible, and talk with you on discount methords for clients who hold one of my cards, please do take high consideration this is not a walk in the park and it is going to take alot of courage and dedication and time and also there will be alot of sharing, means of the papers, tv inc adverts and movies if possible, bill boards, online, basacally nationwide and you will be promoted with in the from start.
I am also open to x1 car audio company to help me build the project from start to finish by means of funding the whole project from purchase of the car in question, to supply and help fit the products im looking for, if the company is very interested in doing this with me then ofcause your company name will be embossed on the carpet and also pressed on the plastics used for the lighting where required, you will get full sponsorship at events, mag features, online features, and anything elce thats encures along the line.. i will be reprosenting your company all the way thru with this project and in protoshoots for mag features so i will ofcause require garments stating your company name/logo and a direct email address to myself in relation to the project such as ‘[email protected]’ there will ofcause be business cards pressed up for shows to hand to people and other business that is intrested in knowing more or wish for one to be built by us.. all of this will bring us either company proffit or charity profit either way a contract will need to be written up and signed by both partys.
All i need the help with is the funding and parts donation a website add on to your company profile, business cards, garments, trade stand, and place to build the project everything elce i can deal with..
Please do either email me or give me a direct call on ) 0800 ENTITLE MENT
And we can discus this project in more detail.
Thank you.
I really have few words..
Adam Rayner OnLine Editor