Friday, January 31, 2025
Car AudioNews

I Need Your Clothes, Your Bass And Your Car Audio! New Terminators from MTX

The bass artiste Power Supply once sang ‘hundred eighty ampere alternator, tougher to kill than a terminator’ about the legendary T-robots in the films, played by Arnie Schwarzenegger and even by CGI versions of him, after he got a bit older to play the part shirtless! So it is hardly surprising that MTX, legendary USA providers of ever yet more bass and SPL have got a new range out called ‘˜Terminator.’
It is entry level as a range yet the product has a lot of technology from the higher up examples of their trade. For instance, interlaced tinsel leads on the £59.99 subwoofer allow for full deflection of the cone at the 600w momentary peak but without risking slapping the cone with the little wires that take the watts from the speaker terminals to the coil. Their cones are electroplated and look sexy. The chances of these being killer at the price is high and it inspires me to want to do a multi-woofer epic test. Full review and then DEATH by kilowatts to find the most idiot-proof, the best sounding, the best for SQ etc, etc. What do you think? Let me know below!
A Terminator MTXTR12-04 subwoofer driver, yesterday..

Sub details here: link
There are four common sizes of full range speakers, in 4in, 5.25in, 6.5in and 6x9in sizes, with the round ones two-ways and the ovals a three-way, for £24.99, £34.99, £39.99 and £54.99 respectively..

Speakers’ specifications here: link rel=”nofollow external” title=”External link”>http://www.celsusice…hp?sub=speakers
There’s a sexy looking vented 12 inch speaker enclosure with a nice electroplated port piece to match the colour of the cone and is well embroidered for £109.99, as well as an active bass tube type enclosure for £119.99:

Enclosure details: link
Bass tube facts: link
The 2 x100W RMS Terminator 2 is £89.99, with the Terminator 4 coming in at £129.99

Amps’ full SP here: link