Friday, March 7, 2025
Car AudioNews

Ice-T 19More Woofers Than Most

Yes folks, it’s the nineteenth time we have had our own bijou most-chilled-of-all shows: ICE-T19.
We supply the location and the organisation, you guys bring the cars and the enthusiasm. Car Audio Direct supply the sponsorship and the warm bodies to put up the lanes and do all the doings and have been doing so since way before the mag’s time. So Big Up the CAD posse, (Incidentally, within sheer physical space limits in a large dayvan) this is one day a year when you can ask nicely to collect your bigger online purchases by way of coming and meeting the Car Audio Direct chaps at T-19. Ineffably laid back and happy to accommodate if they can. TA happily endorses CAD as they list a really serious amount of kit and are Known Righteous ‘˜Netmen.
This year on the field in which we shall be outstanding, we’re not able to house the really booming cars as previous years’ bass has caused seismic disturbances measuring 2.3 on the Richter Scale, which have split the Oxfordshire Fault Line at Wallingford Upon Thames.
The British Geological Survey have warned the organisers that should we create another bassquake and trigger a catastrophic widening of the Oxon Fault, the River Thames would in fact drain into the centre of the Earth somewhere above Henley-Upon-Thames and London would run dry.
The Legendary Burger Van will of course turn this Turf Of Legends from a simple empty field to an Oasis of Plenty. And we do provide a proper place to pee, after previous events (by other organisers, I hasten to add, I think It was some sort of rally) on the same location had resulted in a crop of asparagus grown further down the valley becoming flavoured in an oddly reversed way, like pee.

On a more serious note, there will be cars there from Alpine and JL Audio and Vibe and a row of peachy installs by that TA magazine favourite sculptor in mobile electronics, Paul Richardson. You do NOT get to see his work collected together like this very often. If you simply want a yardstick of how stuff should look in terms of quality of fit and finish, let alone system design, these cars need a look-see.
Below, an example of Paul’s work…

Ice-T is where the Internet goes from Virtual to Actual and is a major part of our website’s heritage, with members old and new meeting up and significant amounts of private exchanging of speakers, amps, cabling, batteries, all sorts goes on.
Prize Giving Time!

We also have the full-on posh mouthwash thing – where if left to settle, you get two layers. Like icefans in a field. I call them Boomers and Tweaks, but they call themselves Bassheads and SQ Fairies. It’s about the numbers of woofers you use. One and sometimes twoeven in the front foot wells, it’s ‘˜Tweak’. Four to Forty woofersThrob-Nutter Boom-Crazed Basshungry Low Zone Hound.
Tweaks listen to close-miked female smoky vocals-based music, while thinking about snogging the singer, while Boomers like Young Jeezy, slowed down till the lad sounds like he’s on a fat dose of something that makes your brain slow.
So go check out the threads and come and see us.
Bring & Buy Thread: link
Main Details Thread: link

Have a burger in a field and pee in a thunder box, you know it makes sense.
All the comforts of a real car show, without the queues!
Shopping: link