Saturday, February 8, 2025

Installation: The JBL Audio Audi RS4

Even the less expensive equipment in a car audio brand needs a demo car and for JBL, that is their GTO series. The UK JBL GTO series demo car is by no means a less expensive model though, for it is an Audi RS4 estate with slammed suspension, sexy wheels with stretched tyres and a V8, making 450bhp under funky paint from the 80s. It also has custom lime green leather upholstery that just happens to tone with the plastic of my Griffin Survivor case for my iPod. (Thus at the end of the feature, I reckoned I aught to have the car, as it matched.)
The GTO range is above the super-affordable entry level JBL GT series and has the unlikely honour of having the world’s biggest-selling car subwoofer in the line up, the JBL GTO-1214. This sub has a huge deep wobbly suspension, can eat watts and makes rich bass. There is but one in the Audi, running upon a JBL GTO-501EZ 350w monoblock. The other speakers are the two sets of components, the GTO608c and GTO508c components, hidden away under the stock grilles in the stock locations. These run from a JBL GTO-504EZ four channel fifty watts (4 Ohms) amplifier, using the crossovers upon the amplifiers, as well as the terribly clever Up-Down-TICK lights in conjunction with a supplied test CD to give you perfect gain setting without an oscilloscope. Brilliant!
Here is a sweet new diagram from noob car audio dude Daniel at Car Audio Security I say ‘˜noob’ as shouldn’t, since he is a talented and willing bloke. Dan was dangerously quick on the uptake and did me three rapid iterations that went from not right to well, this MMMmmm! Editor likey diagrammy! He is more used to monstrous flow charts that’d flummox me

We made a little video clip as the main body of this installation review. Do watch for Parm Panesar looking at me like, ‘You BUFFOON!’ at as I clearly run out of brain bandwidth while being director/cameraman/soundman/lighting/presenter and trying to speak as well. I only really manage amiable buffoon at the best of times anyway it’s a great disguise. Folks often don’t notice the dorsal fin that way
So, I shall let the pictures do the talking and of course, you may press a clicky and set the thing you are looking at into picture gallery frame mode very swish. And a simple ‘˜back’ command will get you back here. So: here
MOTOR!!! Faster than Gene Hunt’s Quattro!

In the details.


Can you see the ‘˜Up/Down/POW’ lights?

To buy JBL
car audio security
Or call 0208 561 9485 they answer fast.