Friday, January 31, 2025

Jamie and the Magical Bass Taxi

Odd but true, Talk Audio’s most witty, sociopathic, brilliant, irascible and yet terribly sweet member DEVICES, he of a gazillion posts over a decade and more of forum membership, has not got much of an ego. He won a Fusion bass pack on its second time around. (The first go, it was won by someone abroad who then started debating shipping costs, when it was a £100 freebie! Thus all new swags have to be UK only.) So, he simply posted a thread on the magazine discussions board about it. However, I reckon it is more than good enough to be here as an article in its own right. And yes, he was correct, I did know the novelty value of a London taxi install would be huge. So, enjoy… as despite his protestations, it is a damn fine review of the product as well. So this is in fact Authored By DEVICES.. what follows is all him:
So following a little swag win from Adam, a large parcel arrived for me at work this week.

I’ve had an absolutely hectic week, so today was the first day I had a chance to get it out of its box, have a good look over it, and get it in the Taxi!
So I think the fact it was going in a rather different car helped it come my way – the vehicle it’s sitting in is this:

A 20yr old London taxi called Keith (check the plate out)…
Anyway, the Fusion active sub is a fairly big unit for an active sub – I’d love to give you the most beautifully detailed audio review, but my capability as a reviewer of stuff in general is poor – ‘Alright/Shite’ is about my language range. I’ve installed many Vibe active units over the year, and the single 12in Vibe CBR unit is probably the best part of half the size of this Fusion model.
I was rather pleased it came with a full wiring kit, which contained everything needed to get it running, even down to a line-level converter AND a set of RCAs. Nice work Fusion. Rather than risk people using woefully under-rated power cable, give them what they need – far less chance of killing it!

So the active sub itself. Its pretty impressive. Ok, so if you are into 4/5 figure top end installs you will sneer at it, but if you are able to appreciate that its a ready to go, all inclusive bass setup in a box, its a great package. Even the most ham-fisted of n00b could install it within an hour or two.
It doesnt look too offensive either – nothing too lairy, a metallic green cone to the sub, no logo on the sub cone itself which is suprising, but there is a metal plaque on the top of the box, and ‘Fusion’ moulded into the sub grille.

Now to wedge it in the Taxi!
Unfortunately I’m still waiting for a new headunit, so it’s currently powered from a decade or so old Panasonic unit – which plays tapes. Those things anyone under the age of 25 doesnt know or recognise.
Its a perfect fit! The taxi is a little odd in that the boot contains the spare wheel, wheelchair ramps, and tools – no actual space for luggage. So the luggage goes where the passenger seat would go. I’m going to have to build a cover for it, for security and also for storage – its very handy having an area to throw bags, takeaways, etc!

Should give me a bit of Oooomph!
So why do I drive a taxi? I’m not a licenced taxi driver, I drive it purely for a laugh. Several of us from TA are going to the Belgian Grand Prix this year, and I wanted to take something a little different. With a top speed of around 60mph, and a 0-60 time measured in minutes (No, I am genuinely not joking, it’s that slow!), Its perfect. We can load the back up with tools, tents, bbqs, you name it. Plus the other suggestion of a double-decker bus was a bit too thirsty!
So a massive thanks to Adam Rayner for kitting my cab out with some bass… and Talkaudio for getting Adam on board. :D (And for putting up with me for over a decade).
Plans for the cab over the next month are to fit a PA system, rewire most of it as the wiring is shocking, and give it a service in preparation for its European adventure!
Peace out. :D
WIth a huge apology to Jamie that it took me so long to spot but I figured either way that it was a cool story and well written, too. The only edits were Talk Audio in house style sheet things. Stuff like I use 12in not 12″.  Apart from that, it’s fully up to sellable standards. Jamie, you aughta do this for a living! Selling words in a well chosen row has been a Rayner Family scam for years, now…