Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Car AudioNews

Karbonology When Only The Best Will Do!

Do you like carbon Fibre? Stupid question, like pizza, pussies and chocolate, there are some things I just adore. And so do the keen-of-engineering. For carbon fibre means the very best golf clubs, fishing rods, tennis rackets, super yacht masts and of course, the world’s fastest and sexiest cars.
And the world of carbon work is abstruse and hard to learn about. We may have seen a cello or that super yacht mast on How It’s Made but the arcane scene of cutting carbon cloth and how to lay it, making moulds in all directions and thence onwards to vacuum bags and the dark art of resin, hardener and thermal considerations, is a mystery to most.
But it isn’t to Mark Williams of Karbonology. He can undertake the manufacture in GRP or carbon fibre and resin, of car body work, bass boxes, panels for your interior or anything you can conceive. He has made bloody great solid carbon fibre valve housings for weirs for the Environment Agency and also does work he is not even allowed to talk about for a particular ‘service’. He has worked for race car bodywork makers and has produced some awesome things. I myself have a wicked freebie on the way, (that has to be back burner versus ‘real’ work for actual customers) in the shape of a 2×15 bass box in red and black carbon and yellow and black Kevlar and carbon. It has a window and internal LED lighting. Getting excited&;.
This is an example of the GRP skills.

Want something REALLY rugged?

But Mark can make anything and as long as you are after carbon in your life, from a simple wrap for your ride’s roof, to a to a vac-formed custom fabrication be it a bass box, or a bonnet, then he is your man. This is one hell of a contact as I can vouch for his sweet nature and absurd levels of artistry, let alone skill. I heartily recommend you get in touch if a ‘cf urge’ is in your life.
Mmmm carrrrbon!

He’s the nuts, I suspect him of having signed the OSA&;
Mark Williams, Karbonology, telephone. 07956 491 828. Email [email protected] No website (coming very soon – bloody developer delays!) He was forbidden from advertising at the time of the ermCLASSIFIED
Complex shapes&;.

More of that blue carbon box

Race car snout

You cut the middle out&;

Your reward for scrolling to the end! The dark art of the vacuum baggie!