Monday, February 24, 2025
Car Audio

Latin America Comes To The UK

In Brazil, there is a new trend for enormous walls of audio, playing to the rear of a vehicle, to entertain a crowd of people outside, rather than within a thing with wheels. We saw it in the mainstream in a Mike Palin travelogue, where he was on a beach and was astounded that folks happily shared the sand with a few dozen monster sound systems.
And we are going to do it here.
They even have contests, like our reggae sound system battles that happen at our own UK Carnival time. But ye gods and little fishes, is their idea of loud a bit actual. Here is a video from one such madness, shown to me by my man in Trini, Modz von Xyborg, an electrical genius and shaping-up-chef, who can fix anything and prepares food that makes me hurt with hunger! (he also types in Trini dialect. “Wheeeee, alya gyuls…”
Yes, three Mercedes Sprinter vans have come up, that were once the ‘fleet’ of a kapok insulation company that went bust and they are all going to be used in the mother of all Brazilian type P.A. systems. Fresh from their 160dB+ success in the European SPL contest finals, the makers of the BlackDeath audio kit, midbass, have decided to join forces with Talk Audio and build a system that you will have to sign a disclaimer to get anywhere near.
Comprising 48 BlackDeath woofers and commensurate kit to make the rest roar, with a LOT of P.A. linen-edge dual-concentric pressure driven diaphragm horns-in-the middle drivers, this system will rip your head off, let alone your ears, once it is built. Sixteen massive batteries have been ordered and the vans will park adjacent to each other, connecting with signal and forklift power cables, with the door systems and powered extensions creating a 96 kilowatts audio power output mayhem.
If you want to know more about BlackDeath woofers, then click here link or else call them on 0121 311 9090 and tell them “The Fat Man Sent Me!” Or just ask them about BlackDeath and where to go experience it.