Monday, February 24, 2025


The weather has been a bit odd this spring and Talk Stuff has been through some changes. Thing is, so has the car audio industry and what I have now to report on as an aftermarket writer has altered. Oddly, what was once seen as a vanity – the personal importation of a product by a one man bedroom band, has become the norm. Most all of the brands that are favoured by both SQ and bass head competitors alike come from small enterprises now.
Similarly, the big companies are, like yourselves, finding that the general power of the big social media of Insta, You and Face and Twat, I mean Twit, are taking over. And while Talk Stuff has now become the cool geek in general as against pure car audio, (see that catapult review!) the forums are becoming more tech specific.
I am so bad at Twitter, as I just don’t quite have the ego. I adore Facebook as it is friends and family and mad psychopathic nutters that choose each other. As against walking behind someone carrying a burning emblem of their faith, like a Follower Of The Tweet.
However, despite my sounding gloomy above, what remains of the specialist trade is stronger and I can tell you that I will have some great news soon of a new home in the UK for a very big mobile audio brand. One that has had longer and solely consistent distribution by the same corporate entity for over 20 years!
The Sound Off season is well under way and as I write, we are in the last weeks of readiness for the Modified Nationals Show. The weather has been so much nicer and there are mutterings of a fabulous summer to come. We are owed Winders DAHHHN weather!
Oh and to the chap with the laser gun Your car and colleague hidden in a blind side road, you in high vis but trying to tuck up against a skinny tree to break your outline as a police officer, has folks driving the other way SO ANGRY, at the childish subterfuge – like a fib off Facebook – that they were committing acts of civil disobedience en masse! At least three drivers in a few yards of cars coming the other way, warned me you were there. One put an arm out of the window and used the Highway Code’s SLOW DOWN arm signal. One flashed and waved.. and another flashed and did arm waving inside his car. Each was committing an offence but was angry enough to do so. Hence my 19mph, the little toot and the thumbs up but with a face on me that could curdle milk. I also mouthed ‘thank you’ at your tucked away chum a few yards further up.
Adam Rayner On Line Editor!