Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Car AudioNews

New Perfect-Bound Rockford-Fosgate Catalogue Kicks Ass!

The new eighty-page Rockford Fosgate catalogue is out and has reached the UK. It is a ‘Perfect-Bound’ or square spined item, just like pukka magazines and is produced to a mad standard with features as well as the usual catalogue material.
News of the mad IBeam ‘tactile transducer’ looks sexy and there’s some bonkers rides and fanatics with tatts and all sorts. It’s a heck of a read and just shiny and lovely!
Rockford heads can get their own copy while they last by sending an A4 sized SAE with £1.24’s worth of postage upon it, to:
Rockford-Fosgate UK, Unit 7g, Cranbourne Industrial Estate, Cranbourne Road, Potters Bar, HERTS, EN6 3JN
Here’s our free online version for you to preview….
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