Sunday, March 9, 2025
Car AudioNews

New TV Tuners From Automotive Styling

Automotive Styling are the company behind the NESA, VST and Necvox lines of in car A/V ordnance as well as being the suppliers for Eurologics and VST kit, which cover headunits, cameras, video recorders, DVD players,  headrest screen solutions, reversing sensors and tyre pressure systems and more. They are the enlightened guys to take on the amazingly clever four-aerial, multiple-tuner DAS DVB-T box for real mobile telly-watching use, too. Designed in Italy, it is said to be remarkable. Talk Audio will be doing real-time video reviews of a couple of their tuners in due course but for now, here’s some details of the different sorts of ways you can get East Enders (or are you a Corrie household?) into your car. That way, the seat cover (other half) lets you watch what YOU want when you get home
The DAS M42 is a compact yet powerful device utilising the most modern of DVB technology. Its four antenna system increases the quality of signal received giving unrivalled performance.
The easy to use, user friendly optimised menu format gives up to the second information on the channels that have the best signal strength.
2 AV inputs allow for an integrated multimedia system.

C-KO DVBT-1080
Whether you’re thinking of upgrading your old analogue system to digital or fitting in-car TV for the first time, DVBT-1080 is the perfect choice. It’s a robust, high quality digital tuner designed for the mobile environment and when fitted with a twin diversity antenna, it delivers the strongest and most stable signal reception available.
The DVBT-1080 is compatible with C-KO products as well as other premium quality in-car entertainment systems. Easy to set up, great on screen menus and channel guides. Full function remote.
With the DVBT-1080 you will be able to experience and enjoy all of your favourite TV shows on Freeview, opening up your choice of entertainment for your passengers. Clear sharp images and crystal clear sounds, even whilst on the move really do enhance any long journey.
The DVBT-1080 offers the latest in mobile DVB-T technology. It features the unique Automatic Frequency Search (AFS) which is comparable to the RDS function on analogue radio. When a program is transmitted from multiple transmitters on multiple frequencies (MFN) the AFS system will automatically select the best signal.

C-KO-Compact Gold-DVBT-540
If size matters we also have a solution. A Mini DVB-T TV Tuner only 125 x 90 x 25mm that performs just as well. This unit can fit into your glove box so you can use its USB input to view your films or listen to your music through your system. It will work on 12 to24 volt systems and has 1 A/V input so you can use it to switch between TV and a Playstation or XBOX. With three Video Outputs it has the power to run a head unit and two rear monitors for a complete AV package.

See the  full range of products at