Sunday, March 9, 2025

ORION TRUCK: The International CES, Las Vegas 2014

I have quite a long history with Orion in the UK. Way back when, it was one of the major ‘˜power audio’ brands I was made aware of by the mad looking American car audio mags we would get from time to time and which sparked off the old Car Stereo & Security ‘˜Fast Forward’ magazine, as well as the ones called InCar and Car HiFi. In fact, I was the creator of the deal that saw Ian ‘˜Iceman’ Pinder be on the receiving end of a more major deal of sponsored equipment than had ever happened before and certainly shall never be seen again.
For those who envy the £65,000 retail value, he paid He paid with blood sweat and tears and it cost him a ten year relationship. He’s used to reading me writing about him, as I have kinda acted a bit like I owned his journalistic content usefulness ever since. But I know this hurts as he reads it. The reason was the unrelenting show going. He lives for going out with the stuff and USING it, on the street and not just for numbers.
And Team Ice, as his mates call themselves are a demon lot. The Jas153dB dude is a crazed and unrelenting fanatic who has bough more brands and in greater quantity for his own personal use than anyone I know or have met in my career. Just get him talking about the systems and what he has had.
Meanwhile the biggest legend on the scene is Mark Smith, using another brand now, but the ethos is purebred Iceman. And that Orion Astra van was a BEAST
Read about it here: link
Anyway, so I blag my way all the way to Las Vegas for the International CES and the ‘Here There Be Monsters’ thing. For one always used to find outrageously lavish cars and crazy installs at the CES. For some time there have been more cool classics with ‘˜sensible’ systems in them, so to get to the back of the hall and find THIS, delighted me to my core, for I had had no idea it was there

A pure demonstrator for ALL the kit, it was a 30 thousand watt install and made to the highest and most rugged standards for a crew of TV makers who’s show is all about hunting with gundogs in damn great hench off-road trucks. It is as American as the Alamo and they all have damn great Bowie Knife on their hip, (I bet!) And this thing was made to show off the brand of audio as well as celebrate the TV production and generally turn heads.

I took a few stills

Full of kit.

Lots of woofers and 30K of amps



But the video was the thing here:

And here, for the fans, are ALL the pics that were any use that I took, in a slideshow gallery. Cuppa?