Friday, March 7, 2025
Car Audio

Oulton Park In The Sunshine

It was fabulously unseasonable weather and a great result for the promoters of the big Modified Live show at Oulton Park in Cheshire. They had the approach roads all covered with modified metal in the morning and drew upon all those too far north to consider Peterborough a sensible drive to get to. With demos from racing trucks and the Time Attack drift series thing going on, it was a must-attend for the keen of motor.
It did mean that as it was a decent distance up north for some of the seaside Sassenachs, we had a severe lack of competition in one or two of the EMMA sound off classes as the Team Highdown guys felt it a bit too far in cost terms to get to. I trundled up the motorway, testing the ass off my new shiny Trafficmaster system it’s a GPS nav, tracker system and full press-a-button-concierge system with direct data access to all those blue over-the-road sensors. I do so adore the Midlands Expressway, for all the bad press it’s hadit’s still a long sexy bit of not-surveiled-too-much Tarmacadam! Even if it is a fiver each way.
As is the new season’s wont, I took a goodly few videos of the contest and put some of the lads under pressurehere’s Ian Taylor from Scotland, who did rather well for a ‘˜Rookie’.

Next up, I harassed James from Bloomz and nagged him about his absurd front-bass design in what looks like a heap right now, but I suspect may just end up looking awesome. You have to admire the sheer commitment being shown in butchering a car for a sound system here. This isn’t fretting about making a hole to ground your amplifiers in the boot!

I was so impressed with the absurd power put up the lovely JL W7 subwoofer, that I was moved to make a video more normally seen on speaker-perve site Dig that big in-and-out travel and check out the sheer ‘˜pornmeister-angles-from-all-directions-feelthy-detail’ shoot! (And my little kinky cry of joy at the end!)

After that, I figured I’d push back the edges a little and pap-video some poor soul while in the process of getting his car judged. I’m lucky the guys know me, or I might have got a boot! This really was just as it happened

Next, it was the turn of PBB Project Big Black. It was so huge and deep and throbulent and thejoose such a bass nutter, that he just sort of ejaculated lows every now and again and shook the ground. In one such fit of seismic disturbance, I decided to go and film him at it as it were. Sadly, I ran out of SD card space part way through but it sort of works; just check out the insane amounts of wobble and flex in what is one of the strongest-built 4x4s around!

So, as I had run out, I just fired the Canon up again as soon as I had changed the SD card and got some reaction shots. It turned out that one of the blokes nearby was a keen spy, learning for his own somewhat secretive install!

And then just ‘˜cos it was such good material, I fired another one at it! In this one, we see folks filming the PBB Shogun and Matt suddenly winding down the windows and shouting at his mate Horst Starke to tell him that the latest bass victim locked in the cabin with him has had an attack of the bass hysterics, known as ‘Bass Giggles’. We witness the poor soul get boomed to bits then just carry on a bit more.

And finally, we had this lass materialise who wanted to do a hair trick.

The next event, round three, is a full-on two day job held at the brilliant Modified Nationals show on May 28th and 29th 2011.
Go to the EMMA site here: link learn more, call the boss and get bitten by the bug and get entered!