Monday, March 17, 2025
Car AudioNews

Phoenix Gold The ONEWON!

Phoenix Gold’s awesome and already legendary-in-it’s-own lifetime amplifier, called simply ‘The One’ has been the subject of a fierce sales war among the Phoenix Gold Dealer base.
For whomever had the most enthusiastic Phoenix Gold fans in their customer base and could shift the most P-G kit in the correct time, (it was a few months) would swag this incredible hand built Phoenix Gold ‘The One’ amplifier as a prize, to use as the heart and soul of their own demo vehicle.
A product that rises in value with time, good examples of previous Phoenix Gold special edition amplifiers (usually more than one model, built into a single chassis and named, like say, ‘Frank Amp’n Stein’) have held their value forever. One thing is, they are all but hard enough to drive nails, let alone play music with typically sexy American ease and muscularity. So the chaps are quietly planning a bit of audioscapingand we’ll report here when they’re done as well, promise.
As reported here in passing on Talk Audio, it was Kings Audio Centre of Leicester who won. And here is Billy with his dad, Kully (the Guv’Nor) receiving the prize from Jon Griggs of Celsus. The header shot above features their Celsus ASM, Kiran.

Well done, gents. Something tells me, meanwhile, that theirs is one well-stocked Phoenix Gold shop. So if you want to see Phoenix Gold equipment and feel it, as well as demo it, get along to Kings.
You can see the schoolboy twinkle of delight in Kully’s’ eye in this lovely shot

I worry a little about his back, is all! (That amp is a frickin’ SLAB!)
and of course, you can always use the carton as a workshop sideboard. (You, know, I feel this was irreverent, though!)