Monday, March 31, 2025
Car Audio

REBECCA SMITH : TAKEN TOO YOUNG 12/7/1986 – 5/10/2016

Sometimes the Circle Of Life gets taken the ripping piss out of. We are all supposed to be orphans one day, for the only alternative is our parents living to see their children die before them. Once, I had to take my VERY pregnant wife to her Uncle Tom’s funeral, when our son Simon was known only as ‘Bodmin’ (Bod-me-in) and it was a deep goodness.
This, however, was not.
I met the strikingly beautiful, warm funny and friendly Rebecca Smith at Smeatharpe ‘˜Stadium’ at a car show that I co-presented with Danielle Christie, now Cross. ‘˜Stadium’ was a big word for a quarter mile oval concrete track, like er ‘˜Arena’ Essex. Rebecca was in charge of the bevy of gorgeous girls assembled as promo lasses for the show cars’ photography and generally posing about being yummy. The show had a contest for being in a ‘˜Girls of Plymouth’ calendar as well. I recall that the organiser of that was an offensively good looking and disgustingly tall dude, who had charmed all the prettiest girls in the whole city into competing for the honour of being pin ups. Somebody had to help judge them so help me, I had the gig.
They had the calendar girl contestants, the show’s own promos and dancers from a local ‘˜Gentlemens’ club. All that with the cars and bass.. I was in heaven.
But ever after, Rebecca kept in touch, as we would meet at shows and she would end up in the pages of magazines as part of photoshoots. (Dang, there’s weeks of searching old print magazines, there) Then Facebook happened and I was friends with both the thousands and thousands page for her modelling persona Becky Smith and her 300-strong personal chums’ page.
Last June, as sometimes happens, when good friends have crucial letters, or a CV that needs a check through, got a message. What follows is quite long, you can skim read it. But what shines through is both the utter warmth and profound inner beauty (as well as the gorgeous outsides) that the woman had.
And then, just how fast cancer finally took her as plans crumbled and she died before she could meet Mickey Mouse one last time, which had mattered to her.
Be warned, this is pretty personal and has only been mildly redacted for sense, as some messages were about stuff that Rebecca had just posted.
If you click here: you will see a slide show of shots of Becky that I have lifted from Facebook, with all watermarks and credits clearly left intact, all credits to the photographers. Link

Rebecca Smith: You’re friends on Facebook
Call out coordinator at ************************** Ltd.
Lives in South Molton: Conversation started 6 June
06/06/2016 18:14 Rebecca Smith
Hi hun, hope your ok? I was hoping you could cast your eye over something for me before I send it to my boss?
Basically they agreed to pay me at half pay while I’ve been off this time but every month I’ve had to chase them for my money and it’s always ended up being a week late! I’m still waiting for this month’s money and it’s starting to cause problems 🙁 xx
06/06/2016 18:20 Adam Rayner
Of course sweetie…
Only too happy to help
06/06/2016 18:25 Rebecca Smith
Thanks hun 😊 here’s my email
I am very disappointed to see that my wages haven’t gone into my account on time again for the 4th month running. Despite speaking with Brian last Wednesday (02.06.16) and ******* again this morning (06.06.16) I still haven’t received last months pay.
No one has given me a valid reason to why my wages haven’t gone in on time and now I am facing costly bank fines and my credit score being affected because I can not afford to cover my bills.
At the moment I am physically and mentally not strong enough to deal with the extra stress and anxiety this matter is causing me every month and fear that in the long run it will have a negative impact on my recovery.
Please can you let me know how you plan to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Kind regards
06/06/2016 18:27 Adam Rayner
Capital M on *******, apostrophe on month’s. …for two weeny typos first….
I would add “is” before the words “being affected” about the credit score as it hits harder. ..
I would put italic on “every” before month…again more emphasis.
And the last paragraph .bin it
Change it to…
Well shorten to… Please resolve this as soon as possible. (And be tempted to hit em again…with another bit like, ..”so that I may concentrate on recovery rather than pouring extra stress hormones into my system.
If you don’t think that’s too rugged.
Trouble is.. I am not that emotionally uninvolved. . I am angry with them.
06/06/2016 18:35 Rebecca Smith
Thanks, that’s the problem with typing it on my phone it doesn’t pick up the silly little things!
06/06/2016 18:36 Adam Rayner
Proof reading is easier when it ain’t your own!!!
Hellish to self proof
06/06/2016 18:37 Rebecca Smith
It’s such an awkward situation to be in as most people would just tell them to do one but I have the issue that I’m still waiting for the all clear again so my employment options are quite limited 🙁
06/06/2016 18:43 Adam Rayner
Oh love, I can imagine that being difficult for you.
06/06/2016 18:47 Rebecca Smith
It’s not a good place to be in. The annoying thing we think it’s only a matter of time before they go bust again but they just seem to keep going!
06/06/2016 18:47 Adam Rayner
Who is the employer?
06/06/2016 18:48
Rebecca Smith
******************* Ltd
They used to be known as ********services UK Ltd but they put that into administration last year and opened up the new company the next day!
06/06/2016 18:50
Adam Rayner
“A different company”… ugh
06/06/2016 18:52 Rebecca Smith
Yep that old chestnut! They’ve done it before aswell 😡
06/06/2016 19:00 Rebecca Smith
To make things even worse I started my phased return to work today and I’m so reluctant to go in tomorrow but want to make sure I go about this the right way!
06/06/2016 19:08 Adam Rayner
Its a difficult one
06/06/2016 19:08 Adam Rayner
But yeah you might want that ending less rugged
So maybe just leave it at. .”resolve this.”
06/06/2016 19:14 Rebecca Smith
I was thinking that too, don’t want to go in too harsh just yet, they would probably just dig their heels in even more!
06/06/2016 19:14 Adam Rayner
Yes…you decide!
maybe not use that italics. .
06/06/2016 19:22 Rebecca Smith
It’s all sent, I’m scared now but glad I’ve got it out there! Thank you so much for your help 😊 xx
06/06/2016 19:25 Adam Rayner
Attagirl. Xx
Hope it gets you PAID!
06/06/2016 19:29 Rebecca Smith
Me too! Xx
06/06/2016 19:30 Adam Rayner
So proud of you darling. You always manage to exude positivity
06/06/2016 19:34 Rebecca Smith
Aww thanks hun 😊
06/06/2016 19:45 Adam Rayner
06/06/2016 22:16 Rebecca Smith
So I’ve had a rather long and not so nice reply from my boss 🙁 I’ve started a response but I think my anger is showing through!
06/06/2016 22:18 Adam Rayner
Best to leave the reply until after you have “tried to” sleep on it..oh love this is rotten for you.
06/06/2016 22:21 Rebecca Smith
I’m thinking that too. I don’t want to leave it too long as I don’t want them to think they won! I think I’ll be phoning the Dr’s in the morning to get a new sick note and then work out a plan to get out of there!
06/06/2016 22:24 Adam Rayner
Sounds like a best plan of action..happy to look at the response if you like..but late now darling..try
.try to unwind and sleep a bit..
Watch some piffle on YouTube with purring kittens involved. .or foals
I would be vexed as hell
Good word..vexed
06/06/2016 22:26 Rebecca Smith
Haha it is a good word! Close I’m on YouTube but watching Disney vlogs. Disney’s always a happy place!
I think I will send it over to you buy I’ll save it till the morning though as everyone who’s seen the email has got really angry! Is it easier to send it here or would you rather I emailed it to you?
06/06/2016 22:31 Adam Rayner
[email protected]
Is easier to keep…
And reply to with the odd bit of bold type. ..
06/06/2016 22:34 Rebecca Smith
It will make it easier to read as well, I’ll pop it over shortly with what I’ve come up with so far 😊
06/06/2016 22:35 Adam Rayner
Okey doke sweetie. Happy to help. Hell, happy to wade in and menace people….for thee, Smiffy!
06/06/2016 22:35 Rebecca Smith
Haha thank you. It means a lot 😊 x
06/06/2016 22:35 Adam Rayner
I am so good at letting folks think I matter more than I do…
It’s nice to sometimes have a great big stinky dog in your corner. Looks daft and docile. ..then it growls.
I truly have tilted at one or two windmills and won! But no point getting postal on them
.unless YOU say so.
06/06/2016 22:38 Rebecca Smith
Haha that’s a good way of looking at it
06/06/2016 22:38
Adam Rayner
I am so happy to be of some real use… and I have this ghost I have to look in the eye… my mama.
I can feel her approval when I take on bullies
06/06/2016 22:39 Rebecca Smith
Unfortunately they are the kind of people who think they are above everyone else. No one ever leaves that place on good terms!
Yes she would definitely approve 😊
06/06/2016 22:40 Adam Rayner
What a shame… pity that they think they can bully you into grateful submission.
“Wait till they get a load of me…” Crikey, can I weird a vorpal blade..well a keyboard. But there is also a level above that when a bloke with a big mouth and a video camera gets in their face…
And is too big
Generally..just too large loool
I have threatened one or two… umm not proud. Big geezer ..BULLYING BACK
06/06/2016 22:43 Rebecca Smith
Haha I think a lot of people would pay to see that!
06/06/2016 22:44
Adam Rayner
I do a really good impression of being dangerous. .. big total utter softy. Wept copiously tonight..our cats got hold of freshly fledged Robins.
I rescued one..another but they got caught again 🙁
06/06/2016 22:45 Rebecca Smith
Oh no I love Robins 🙁 my dogs to stupid and old to chase anything now 😂
06/06/2016 22:45 Adam Rayner
Bless…yes it was not good.
But hey they ARE cats… and won’t be herded
06/06/2016 22:46 Rebecca Smith
Well there is that they do have a mind of their own!
06/06/2016 22:46 Adam Rayner
So, I was happy to take the last one from the living room back outside and pop it atop a shrub
Daft fuzzballs
Baby blackbirds are equally as stupid
06/06/2016 22:49 Rebecca Smith
Hopefully it’ll be safe there then, I know they are all a little bit silly aren’t they. We have longish meadow grass out the front of the house and keep finding cats trying to catch the slow worms!
06/06/2016 22:49 Adam Rayner
I LOVE them!!
06/06/2016 22:50 Rebecca Smith
We have three reptiles so it’s sad when they win
06/06/2016 22:50 Adam Rayner
Rare and special. .you can get the area listed if you tell the council!
Never get built on!!!!!
06/06/2016 22:52 Rebecca Smith
It should be safe as it’s not big enough to do anything with but just hope it doesn’t get cut too short!
06/06/2016 22:57 Adam Rayner can even get THAT stuffed up! What a lovely part of the world though! :
What reptiles do you have?
06/06/2016 22:59 Rebecca Smith
We are very lucky to be down here, it’s so far to anywhere when we want to go away or anything but we can deal with that 😉
We’ve got 1 bearded dragon, 1 Chinese water dragon and 1 panther chameleon
They each have their own little personalities as well. They are so funny!
06/06/2016 23:01 Adam Rayner
Awwe wow…
You and my chum Beth would love each other
She’s always had a small menagerie
06/06/2016 23:03 Rebecca Smith
Haha it;s always good to know other reptile friends, most people just think we’re weird lol
We would definitely have more but we’ve run out of room 🙁
06/06/2016 23:05 Adam Rayner
Lol.. a ROOM with ambient heating!!!!!!!
06/06/2016 23:07 Rebecca Smith
Haha our neighbours would definitely report us for that! We’re hoping to move closer to the secondary school soon so hopefully we’ll have more room to expand
14/07/2016 15:09 Adam Rayner
(I left a Voice Message) ‘Hi Rebecca Darling! If you want, I can be ‘˜A journalist’ calling up the housing association for you’ I cannot recall the details but I was ready to wade in.
14/07/2016 15:17 Rebecca Smith
Awww thanks hun, I’ve just had a fairly positive phone call with a police lady so hopefully they will do something about it this time, I may well call upon you if it doesn’t get sorted though 😒
I think she’s older than me so hopefully will have heard of your mum, I will definitely do a bit of name dropping whenever the opportunity allows 😉 it means so much to have you in our corner xx
14/07/2016 15:31 Adam Rayner
Anything I can do to help. .. if need be, you can supply me with the names and numbers to call.
14/07/2016 15:33 Rebecca Smith
Thank you so much, your like my guardian angel at the moment 😘
14/07/2016 15:33 Adam Rayner
any help…and I am on here often late…
And then there was stuff on her page about bucket list stuff as her ‘˜remission’ status had just been rescinded and more chemo was prescribed.
20/08/2016 22:04 Adam Rayner
Hello sweetie…
My idea is quite simple. I will fund you a serious one. I can, now…. and would love to. I have having real issues coming coming to terms with my inheritance and have been helping mates, treating their kids… and I feel better for it. Sooooo Me wanna see that list
20/08/2016 22:10 Rebecca Smith
Awww hun that’s such an amazing gesture I don’t even know what to say, that’s got me really overwhelmed
20/08/2016 22:10 Adam Rayner
Sweetie..I have been on my arse hustling my whole career and suddenly. .. but I would rather have my mum and dad still. Point is, I can… and I want to
So.. look at fuck off driving days!!!
Offensively luxuriant pampering…
London West End theatre breaks…
Hey.. are you into heavy metal? (I sadly am not!)
I can swag unbuyable stuff with Metallica!
20/08/2016 22:17 Rebecca Smith
Haha I’m not a heavy metal fan but there is a few things we would love to do in London like we’ve never got round to the Harry Potter tour and a West End show. It would be amazing if you were part of that experience with us too 😊 x
20/08/2016 22:17 Adam Rayner
Harry Potter is MY DOORSTEP
And the Theatre is of course. ..all here in London!
But what is your favourite car?
20/08/2016 22:21 Rebecca Smith
One of my all time favourite cars is Eleanor the mustang from gone in 60 seconds. Not sure why but I’ve always had a soft spot for her
20/08/2016 22:22 Adam Rayner
Awwww… wonder where the actual car is?
‘Eleanor – Mustang Shelby GT 500 Driven by Nicolas Cage in Gone in 60 Seconds
Gone in 60 Seconds, starring Oscar winning actors Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie and Robert Duvall, is the story of a retired car thief, Memphis Raines, who must steal 50 cars in one night in order to save his brother from an evil Crime Boss.’
20/08/2016 22:24 Adam Rayner
She’s in Los Angeles.
In a REAL cool car museum. .. as against the hopeless London Motor Museum!
Are you fit to fly?
20/08/2016 22:29 Rebecca Smith
Typical! She’s so far away! I think I’m OK to fly at the moment. I’m waiting to speak to the hospice team next week about flying as we’re hoping to go see Mickey one last time later this year
20/08/2016 22:30 Adam Rayner
Mouse. California?
I have been to Orlando … and Paris thrice
20/08/2016 22:33 Rebecca Smith
We we’re looking at Florida again as it has a special place in our hearts, the little guy is desperate to get back there!
20/08/2016 22:33 Adam Rayner
That’s WAY more than one motor car…
So will it be three of you?
20/08/2016 22:38 Rebecca Smith
Yeah we’re planning for it just to be us three, last time my parents came too so we we’re restricted to what they wanted to do so we’re hatching a plan to get him back to do our own thing and hopefully have a really intimate wedding whilst we’re there
But that’s all hush hush at the moment 😉
20/08/2016 22:42 Adam Rayner
Awwwwww. .same here. Julie’s mum decided it all… and I want to return one day.
That’ll be a pretty chewy bill… and the wedding sounds delightful
I am happy to help make that happen
Packages are usually best VFM are they not? Or are flights and locally-bought tickets a better idea?
Travel insurance may be an impressive cost…
I just bought annual…
20/08/2016 22:46 Rebecca Smith
I couldn’t ask that of you that’s far too much!
20/08/2016 22:46 Adam Rayner
I can chip in.
Get a lump of it… either buy the tickets…or simply transfer a slice to enable you to administer it.
20/08/2016 22:48 Rebecca Smith
We’re planning on going into Virgin and pricing up next weekend, from looking at the website they can do the whole wedding holiday package in one thing so it saves trying to do things separately
20/08/2016 22:49 Adam Rayner
Which is brain strain that is itself draining. And they ARE slick as in well organised
20/08/2016 22:51 Rebecca Smith
That is such a generous offer Adam I really don’t know what to say!
They do seem to be the best at what they do
20/08/2016 22:52 Adam Rayner
Yes…so cost it up…and then I can pay a lump of it…
20/08/2016 22:58 Rebecca Smith
I’m so completely overwhelmed right now, I am completely lost for words! you are such an amazing caring person 😊 xx
20/08/2016 23:02 Adam Rayner
I think I might have inherited that from someone. .. and please..darling. .. I am keeping it together so far… just be assured that I am more telepathic than anyone I know… and can feel stuff I cannot quite handle…how you are so awesome is just enlightenment and joy.
So don’t fret. .. just know that a lump of it is covered already.’s getting late!
I am on Fb a shameless amount of time a day
So always here…always! !!!!
Er… except about 1 to 2 am to mornings that vary!
20/08/2016 23:09 Rebecca Smith
Aww hun your mum would be so proud of what your doing. It has touched me so much that you’re always there when I need you 😊
20/08/2016 23:11 Adam Rayner
Bless…it’s been so little.
20/08/2016 23:13 Rebecca Smith
It may only seem little but it’s those little things that count
20/08/2016 23:13 Adam Rayner
But I do know that having reliable responders really does matter
And you are a golden lovely soul…thought so from when I met you. ..was delighted to find you on here.
20/08/2016 23:26 Rebecca Smith
Aww that’s such a sweet thing to say, I’ve always believed that a little smile always goes a long way and I love that we’ve managed to stay in touch all this time xx
Adam Rayner 20/08/2016 23:28
Me too, sweetie!
Rebecca Smith 20/08/2016 23:36
That’s me all drugged up for the night so I will bid you farewell for now. I honestly can’t thank you enough for your offer it really means so much xx
Adam Rayner 20/08/2016 23:36
Night night sweetie. .. you are beyond welcome.
Adam Rayner 06/09/2016 03:28
Hey Becka….what sort of insurance quotes are the insurers making?
Rebecca Smith 06/09/2016 07:14
Hey hun, so far the cheapest I’ve got is 600 for a 7 day trip! I got so disheartened with all the phone calls yesterday that I gave up but I did a bit more research last night and found a couple of others that maybe worth trying so that can be my mission for this morning x
Adam Rayner 06/09/2016 07:18
Then that’s the bit I can help with. Plus a little shopping…
Rebecca Smith 06/09/2016 07:31
Aww hun that would definitely take some of the extra worry out of it all. I’ll still get hold of these other companies today as I hate the thought of anyone paying that much for insurance!
Adam Rayner 06/09/2016 11:20
Ok… I am away with MeJulie…our 25th wedding anniversary..Niagara Falls. We are back next week, after landing on Saturday morning. I can pay via net banking from Sunday…so get those quotes!xx
You are awesome by the way!!
Six 20 am here..just got up
Rebecca Smith 06/09/2016 11:23
Aww congratulations hope your having an awesome time 😊 My parents are heading to Canada next week for a family wedding. I’m determined to find a cheaper quote so I will keep you in the loop.
Adam Rayner 06/09/2016 11:24
Aw fanks! And how sweet!
I had family over here… a couple of cousins still..
Rebecca Smith 06/09/2016 11:25
Aww thank you just trying to keep a positive head on after everything that’s being chucked at us lately, I think if I didn’t I’d be a blubbering mess!
Adam Rayner 06/09/2016 11:26
And it is just breathtakingly beautiful! You are fabulous and staying positive is definitely better for you…and those as loves you. You rock.
Ok better run the Jacuzzi! We are going on a mad tour this morning.
Rebecca Smith 06/09/2016 11:28
Aww thanks 😊 yes you go enjoy your holiday, speak soon xx
Adam Rayner 10/09/2016 12:53
Hi Rebecca…
Yay… Disney booooked!
And I could sort that bill out later today if you like… you tell me when is good.
Rebecca Smith 10/09/2016 13:10
Hiya, yay it’s all booked were so excited 😒 hope you had an awesome holiday? I’m out at a friends hen do at the moment but will be back home this evening. There’s no rush though 😊 x
Adam Rayner 10/09/2016 13:11
It was incredible
And I am driving some mates to Wembley tonight for Billy Joel..admit that I am a bit jetlagged right now..but do ping me what I need to know.. I guess an email to [email protected] with the quote and what I pay to whom…
..will be best!
Rebecca Smith 10/09/2016 13:33
Good good, glad you enjoyed yourself 😊 no worries I will pop you an email when I get back home you go and have a good time tonight 😊 xx
Adam Rayner 10/09/2016 13:37
Thanks darling… so SO happy for you. “For the young at heart…” we loved it when we went.
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 14:12
Hey Becca…. I am going to be off to the Tackle Trade Show tomorrow. I will be out all day but can do the insurance payment in the evening. You will need to let the insurers know that you are taking up their quote of course. I am sure that you know more about the insurance thing than I do!
Or…ping that mail..tell em today..and I can do it late tonite. Xx
It may be best if YOU pay them….via me transferring the lolly into your account. I would need name number and sort. Plus…. I can top up a bit of “have a slap up meal on me!” money, as insurance is a needful rather than a fun thing and I wanna piece of the fun feeling too!
Hahahaha I think I am soooo funny….lol
11/09/2016 14:21 Rebecca Smith
Haha sorry I’ve not got the details over to you yet. Having a feeling sorry for myself day today while the boys are out doing a charity bike ride!
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 14:21
Aw… ((((huggg))))
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 14:26
I suspect that it maybe easier to transfer across to my account as we all know how complicated insurance companies try to make things!
I’m still hoping I can find the insurance a bit cheaper but for some reason most specialist companies will only quote a month before travel which always concerns me a bit! I’m in the hospital tomorrow so I’m going to see who they recommend
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 15:15
Ok love..transfer is best. That will be more linear. We’ll do it that way!
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 21:55
Hiya, sorry I’ve been a bit quiet today! I’ve just sent you over an email with hopefully all the details you need. There is absolutely no rush for anything as and when is absolutely fine 😊 X
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 21:57
Sweetie…. I am jetlagged and MUST STAAAYY UPPPP and will pingle fling it later. It’s buttons to press… and THIS will help you feel it is actual. So… you cannot have it activated before a month before the trip… all part of the bloody thing… but can you pay in advance?
I will sort it tonight
Seen mail..that’s perfect
Aand one last question…or rather a last bit of bullying. Lol…. could you let me know what that credit card balance is at?
…..don’t fight now.
Don’t worry..if its private
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:02
Rebecca Smith
Aww bless that’s the only down side of coming back from holiday you look like you had a great time though 😊 I think it’s so silly that you can book a holiday but they make you wait to get proper insurance!
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:03
But I would feel awesome if it was clearable… huge stress reducer! We were able to book yearly insurance….never did that before
But with real reasons for the insurers to load up a medical insurance premium… I confessed to a hurty knee before we went. £40 extra for a sore flesh owie.
No…not a downside. show to go to tomorrow
Trade do at Ricoh Arena in Coventry
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:05
Urm I haven’t dared check it after this weekend but I would say I put about 3000 onto it over the weekend.
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:07
Wow!… was that all the trip?
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:07
I can see why the insurances companies can charge such high prices as it costs so much if anything goes wrong but it’s still not a very nice thing to have to fork out for 🙁
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:08
Yes but an air ambulance costs more than a private jet.
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:09
I did the sensible thing and purchased a wheelchair to help me around as well but the majority was for the trip.
That’s it isn’t it they have to cover themselves if there’s any chance of you getting Ill while your away`/
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:11
They are a bunch of gamblers betting on you being well. They only pay if you are not….
And always…more vital than knickers!
You can buy pants anywhere.
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:12
Haha that is very true
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:13
Wheels a good idea….the mileage on foot is big. The parks all have them. But one with only YOUR OWN bum ever sat in is best
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:17
I knew I had to get one as walking from one end of our teeny high street to the other was getting too much but it was such a strange feeling as it’s just not something you expect to be doing at such a young age. Although the little man was loving testing them all out in the shop 😅
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:19
I guess it’s rough. I am all but needing one…ruined ankles through soft bones PLUS huge obesity. 🙁 But I was thinking… the best way to get you dinner, is to also buy you some Dollars! As well as a transfer for the insurance. That way, it cannot get wrapped up in runnings, as it’ll simply go in that account! Soooo how ‘˜bout £* transferred and £* in dollars to be secure posted to you? They are a signed for delivery thing
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:20
The dollars we can do a bit later…
But slapping the fick outta that balance will reduce your bill of interest
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 22:37
😔 its not nice when your body starts getting the better of you! it’s certainly taking a bit of getting used to but it’s a case of getting over that pride thing now and accepting that this is going to be me now.
That sounds amazing so generous of you it will definitely help keep that pesky interest down at the end of the month!
I had no idea you could do that, it’s not very often I’ve had to change currency as my mums always sorted it for us! Hopefully the exchange rate will recover a bit in the next month or so too 😊
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 22:51
Oh yes… money in various ways. You can also collect at the airport. I used John Lewis currency exchange after checking rates. Good point on the exchange rate
Rebecca Smith 11/09/2016 23:05
I always thought it was more expensive to buy at the airport but it never occurred to me that you can order it in! We’ve only really got M&S and the agents round here so I think it’ll be a case of doing some research online before buying any!
I need to go get some sleep now, I get the joys of sitting down with a Macmillan benefits lady in the morning! Hope you enjoy your show tomorrow x
Adam Rayner 11/09/2016 23:17
Nanight sweetie.
Adam Rayner 12/09/2016 21:49
Transfer done.. all **** of it, so you can chase the rates. xxxx You will have an awesome time.
Rebecca Smith 12/09/2016 21:57
Aww bless you, thank you so much. You watch I’ll be watching those rates like a hawk now! Xx
Rebecca Smith 29/09/2016 20:17
Hey hun, hope your ok. I just wanted to let you know that I had a meeting with my consultant today and from looking at the scan results it’s not good news 😞 my chemo doesn’t seem to be working and although they tried what they could they couldn’t stop the stupid stuff from spreading through my body 🙁
We had to go in and cancel the Paris holiday today today and they can’t give me anymore treatment to make me better! I am more than happy to ping the money back over to you as it seems really unfair to keep hold of if when wee may not be able to use it to its full potential 😿
Adam Rayner 29/09/2016 20:20
Oh Darling, I will NOT be part of the stress load… you stay in some amazing hotels at very posh level for a night here and there. Or treat friends…anything that you see fit. I am so sorry that the holidays had to be curtailed…but please, I REALLY just want to help…so no…Won’t hear of that!
Adam Rayner 29/09/2016 20:21
Fuck, this is rugged. I cannot imagine how tough it is for you. We are all mortal…but that seems rough to me.
It tears at my heart.
How far is the Cotswolds to you?
Lower Slaughter Manor Hotel… awesome 4 poster suite PRIVATE garden with jacuzzi
£400 a night!
But it was about some treat .spoiling you… so yes.. just whatever you think is a good thing.
Just as long as its self indulgent!
Rebecca Smith 29/09/2016 20:40
Yes it wasn’t quite what we were expected when we we got called in this morning 🙁 but at least they aren’t holding back with a rough time scale now! It’s so hard hearing Ross on the phone to his dad telling him about it but we will will definitely sit down and work out something self indulgent between the thee of us 😊
Rebecca Smith 29/09/2016 20:43
I know I’ve said this before but it does mean so much to us all even though we can’t use the money for the same reasons planned but it truly means so much for all your help and support you have so kindly passed on xx
Adam Rayner 29/09/2016 20:44
Oh sweetheart… it’s so little, really. 🙁
But you are so much more than welcome darling. xx
Rebecca Smith 29/09/2016 21:06
😊 sometimes it’s the simple things tho hun 😊 we’re considering taking Callum up to a West End show as it’s something we’ve wanted to do for a long time but never made up our minds which one too see! Xx
Adam Rayner 29/09/2016 21:31
Ahhhh…. yes!
You can PARK… for HUGE fees..right in theatre land…I did once!
And eat in Theatreland.
I can recommend THE place to eat..that only theatre types know about! American restaurant called Joe Allen’s
Plus…. I can get them to seat you in the best table to play subtle people watching
My parents loved it… they know us Rayners
.. and
The table has one of my dad’s paintings hanging on the wall above it.
Des Rayner.
And is in Exeter Street just off the Strand.
There are some awesome shows on.
Rebecca Smith 29/09/2016 21:38
Haha that is the only down side of staying in that part off London it soon starts to mount up in cost but that sounds like a lovely place 😊
Think we need to sit down together over the weekend and work out a new plan as everything seems to have been chucked up in the air again today 🙁
Adam Rayner 29/09/2016 21:44
Check out The Savoy Theatre, and the Prince Edward. VERY close by… plus Prince Edward has a ten quid only for parking in a very close by car park if you are holding tickets for a show there. It is a challenge to drive to…is all. I am an expert!
Yes… and have a look
At options..
Rebecca Smith 29/09/2016 22:02
Ohhh thanks I’ll have a look into them, hopefully I’ll be able to scope a couple of things out to help Callum in the right direction as London is such a mine field to know where to start looking!
Adam Rayner 29/09/2016 22:02
I can help. #LondonBoy!

Rebecca Smith 04/10/2016 11:19
Hi Adam Ross here just wanted you to know that Becky had a bad turn last night and is now in hospital for her end of life care 🙁 I would like to say a massive thank you to all you have done for her recently as you probably don’t realise just how much of an affect your kindness has given her through this tough time.

Adam Rayner 04/10/2016 11:20
Hi Ross, I am so so sorry….you poor loves…. this is awfully difficult..and If I helped in ANY way, then I am very grateful.
I know she is loved..but tell her she’s beautiful, from me. xxx
Adam Rayner 04/10/2016 11:33
Ross, are we FB chums?…. Not the right reasons but’d be sad to just lose touch with the West Country Massive… This just hurts. But irrelevant to what you and yours are coping with.
Rebecca Smith (ROSS) 04/10/2016 12:02
I will keep you updated with things when I get chance but signal sucks around here
Will do and thanks again for everything.
Adam Rayner 04/10/2016 12:59
Thanks, Ross… it’s nuthin’. And I am still here.
Rebecca Smith (ROSS) 04/10/2016 15:27
Hi Adam Becky passed away very peacefully earlier. We are friends in Facebook so I will keep in contact with you 🙂
Adam Rayner 04/10/2016 16:09
Oh mate…. I am so sorry. And thank you for letting me know.
Seen Tues 20:14
If you have read this far, then do please help those left and help Callum, her son, make some sense out of the unbearable and click this, Just giving then spend some money on Cancer Research. He was close to his target and I made sure he had hit it before the sun set on the day he lost his mum. He has exceeded it but I want him to double the target or more!
Adam Rayner On Line Editor