Sunday, March 16, 2025
Car AudioNews

SONY Sponsor Talk Audio TV! A New Era Begins!

When Talk Audio magazine first went to the car audio industry, things were a lot better economy-wise and we had at least seven advertisers who simply do not exist or sell car audio any more. The UK arm of Directed Electronics was an early loss, with the brands going off to Armour and now with the guys who look after JBL in car – so they may get some better attention(!) – and Panasonic stopped selling car audio in Europe altogether.
At the time, Sony had a superb on-screen navigator called the NAV-U and I got to borrow a Ford ASBO (225bhp Focus!) just so it could have this unit attached to it’s screen to review it. We had a campaign runningand then Sony pulled Nav-U from Europe and we went on to look at the DVD-A 12V deck and the Sony Reader instead, with me presenting one to my elderly author mother, with a slew of her books digitised, upon it. It was the last thing she ever did to camera in a long broadcast career as well. Anyway, I digress but I have some track record with Sony from way before then, anyway.
And as of this very day, Sony are back on board Talk Audio as Site Associates and are to become the new sponsor of Talk Audio TV! That means a list of video equipment as long as an arm (well, I DO need microphones for remote use and a lamp, and a phatter battery than normal and a baggie&;) as well as a SONY Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum video editing software suite to go with it!
To say I am chuffed is an understatement. Sony as sponsors of Talk Audio TV? Wicked! I can reveal that I am now past 200 videos and a half million views on ‘Presenterbloke’ on YouTube, which I am just a tad proud of. Now, it’s time to take it to the next level with my opening line changing a bit and a short Sony ‘sting’ or ‘bumper’ at the star and end of each video clip. That and getting a nice watermark developed&;
The parcel will be like Christmas! So already, a huge thank you to Sony for getting involved with Talk Audio. Here’s to getting some stuff to try out as well&;
‘Hello and welcome to Talk Audio TV, proudly sponsored by Sony, my name’s Adam Rayner&;’