Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Car AudioNews

SWAG WINNER. ‘˜bodhisattva’, Formerly Known As ‘˜Monkey_biz’

Yes, you gotta be in it to win it and being funny can help. In this case the winner of the SWAG given away by the lovely people at NextBase is as it says above, ‘˜bodhisattva’ who for reasons of his own is no longer known as ‘˜Monkey_biz.’
I guess he evolved.
Anyway, if you PM my Fat Self with all the details a parcelly man and a stalker will need. Address, contact phone contact, mother’s maiden name, the road you grew up on and your first pet and lastly your porn star name, then I will send you the double-screen system and a set of the really rather good headphones that work cordless on Infra Red or else plugged in. (Actually, its just the contact stuff not the rest) These screens are top class resolution the same pixel-count as Alpine use and are from the only system to be crash tested. One worthy entry said, under the de-rigueur URL page reference, ‘I was actually looking at these a few weeks ago and thinking “what a ‘kin cool idea”.. I mean, it’s not rocket science, but actually coming up with something and getting it safety tested when no one else in the industry is, and that industry’s aimed specifically at kids.. hopefully the rest of the industry will take note. Well said mulletboy2
Another tried the heartstrings-tug method ‘This is the perfect solution for my best friend who just moved to Ireland and his wife and 3 kids will be joining as well. I was looking for what options he had on keeping the kids busy in the rear seats. Did I mention he has kids? Yeah, 3 of ’em. Seriously though, this indeed looks like it’s the best option for him – not too expensive either. But as that was our friend in Athens-shire mister n-olympios and the chum was in Eire, it looked complex.
But the ex-Monkey first offered up direction for delivery (In the voice of Morgan Freeman…..)and then wrote: ‘Imagine a journey, ……filled with laughter, amazement and sheer joy. where ‘˜mini me’ and ‘˜mini miss me’ share the fun and enjoy the drive, imagine mum and dad leaving the car at the end of the journey as relaxed as they were at the start. imagine Nextbase click 9 Duo Delux……….. imagination doesnt stop at the end of the journey.’
And having consulted with the marketing bloke at Nextbase, who literally chcukled throatily down the phone, ‘For the Morgan Freeman bit alone a deserving winner’ let alone the lovely on-message bit of script.
So well done matebollocks, I’ll even pay the postage and a HUGE and VERY PUBLIC apology to R-P as he is SO owed the big sexy Fusion active box I have here and I am sure he has supplied all the facts..that and the other parcel I owe Ed Dalby’s lass.but this is the spur, so send me the details via PM, bodhis-thingy!
Now, go check out the review, here: link