Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Car AudioNews

SWAGGED!! A Kenwood KDC-DAB455IU Digital Radio Deck!

Here’s how this started: ‘Regular readers will know that I nicked ten Kenwood KDC-DAB455IU digital radio headunits (complete with fully effective film-mount antennae) to swag out to lucky Talk Audio readers earlier on, last year. We have used Twitter threads, we’ve used forum threads and also Facebook. In the last swaggage, we used them all and so will again. as we have couple left to bestow, you lucky people. It’s a valuable £125 value prize and includes as said above, a very effective inside-window mounted aerial for perfect digital reception.
This time, to win a Kenwood KDC-DAB455IU we wanna see some commitment. Some brands get folks tattooing their flesh with their logos. I know a guy who got one in the UK for an American brand of car audio. Right on his arm, a logo for high end USA audio.’
And this was the thing they were to graffiti themselves for&;

And this to my utter hilarity was the result:
Baz W

Personally, I think the edges look too tight to be actually penned on the man’s tongue? Photoshop? Nooo!

Now that’s commitment&;

 leepee – obligatory Myspace angle:

more leepee


Shameless advert for Repixl! FAIL!!

voltdropastra – bloody close mate!

The excutive types at Kenwood have decided that the winner is&;.COO, who shall be PM’d well done!!! You bloody Dime Bar!
Kenwood’s website is here: link