Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Car AudioNews

Talk Audio Privilege Club Has Top Partners

Known as Jimbob, Jimbo or simply James to his mama, Jexdirectedtech is the name of the force behind the Talk Audio Privilege Club. An idea first put forward as a way to help Talk Audio cover its own costs, Jim has been working away behind the scenes to secure real, valuable benefits to those Talk Audio members who wish to get on board.
By no means compulsory, nor ‘exclusive’ you need simply be a Talk Audio member on the forum boards system, as against a simple visitor (Known as ‘Lurker’ in Forum Parlance as they lurk but do not post, nor sign in) to join up.
It’ll set you back less than a pound for each of the deals that have been secured and is £12 for the year, coming up very soon, a bit like a fishing licence, tied to the calendar. If, meanwhile, you have had a slew of over 500 posts and been allowed into the Members Only section, well that fabulous MO status will save TWO Great British Pounds. Yes, it’s not a lot different, just enough to make you feel loved!
Anyway, here is the list of the impressive achievements of our brilliant negotiator and general Most Industrious Dude, Jexdirectedtech:
– FREE unlimited use of TA classifieds for private sales & wanted ads.
– Access to private privilege members’ FORUM
– Special DISCOUNTS online with Car Audio Direct, UK2 & Other Partner Websites
– Direct email NEWSLETTER for members with exclusive deals and promotions
– First dibs on all Adam Rayner SWAG!
– Regular COMPETITIONS and giveaways
– INCREASED Private Message (inbox) Storage
– INCREASED Gallery & Attachment Storage
– BETA exclusive release of new TA features ahead of normal users
– Exclusive offers from Telco and Broadband provider – ICUK Hosting
– Exclusive offers from UK2.net
– Great discounts from the AA
– Discount codes for www.green-bear.co.uk
– Awesome promo deals from Tastecard
Jim said, ‘Loads more to follow – including something from Club GT we hope! That’s what we have so far&;
Impressive stuff.
As each benefit is worthy of their own news item, rather than papering TA with stuff today, we’ll just let you know about what’s been done and run out a story every other day or so until renewal. So follow the mag and see the goodies we have lined up for you.