Friday, January 31, 2025

Talk Audio – Still Trying to Prove the 33Hz Theory

I just had a wonderful thing arrive in the mail! A certificate. Just a piece of paper but written upon it were the details of our Fast Car magazine/ bass quaker World Record. In a global scene with maybe a dozen competition formats to see who’s car is the loudest, there is little real physics-lab grade standardisation. And up to now, no mention of loud car stereos in the fabled book. Because to measure simple loudness requires a calibrated instrument that has been checked by a physics lab. Some SPL measuring systems have a fabulously expensive but small device that makes a small but utter reference-SPL sound to place up to microphones of SPL meters (of the ONE kind that they are made for) and then after adjustment, a reading can be relied upon for that one next run alone. This makes it hard to be exact enough to impress these record keepers of authority.
However, seismology relies upon a shake-sensor called an accelerometer and the whole world is covered by different national Geological Survey organisations. This means that unlike SPL, ground shaking, or earthquakes can be measured by reproducible science worldwide. What THAT means is that my slightly twisted background in science, now mixed with extreme audio, has led to a Whole New World Record being established.
It took some real time as the Guinness World Records TM organisation are not frivolous about anything. While breaking a record is one thing, actually establishing that an endeavour is worthy of the Great Book is something else again and for me, a real career peak!

I have let my own personal desk work suffer these past few months so have a huge pile of receipts for pop and burgers at shows to put through my own admin mill, so mightn’t get a review up this week. But there is a small collection of news stuff waiting in the wings ready to publish and of course, I will bring you a quickie on the Propper Droppers event I went to on the eve of Trax. Of which note, the Street Bassers’ SPL format finals will be being held at Arena Essex (RM19 1AE) on Saturday 3rd October, gates open 4.30 testing 5 to 10.30. Tenner for each for entry to the link  drift event and for the PD thang.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strap line by Barnie