Monday, March 3, 2025

Talk Audio – The Internet Home of In Car Electronics

My, the roads round London way are dead quiet at the moment! Everybody else apart from me and mine seem to be off on holiday. I’ve had a good pull through on the SNG Audio Pro Series SQL15 woofer and then in the same box the new JL Audio W0 in mighty fifteen inch size as well. It has been an interesting comparison and the two woofers are very different in design intent and heritage yet are a mere £50 in price difference. I’ll let you check out the brace of reviews once we get them up.
I’ve a four channel amplifier from Clarion to play with (and they have made some startlingly high quality ones in their time) and a couple of sets of Vibe speakers recently delivered and such delights as a Massive amplifier and a woofer to go with it, complete with a specially commissioned box to try it in. (You know what? I could hook the whole lot up together and at once and check the parts ‘severally’ as Shakespeare would have said. That’d be five products at once. Hmmmm)
I really must get some horribly overdue admin done this week as well, and it’s a good time as so many calls get met with messages about the lucky ones on vacation. (Or else gone for a wet week in Wales thanks to the Met Office’s Epic Fail when it came to this summer’s long range forecast.)
I have submitted the single closest-to the knuckle show report ever from the Modified Mania show recently held on deepest Devon, which was more girls than cars as far as the culture was concerned and have also fitted the nice shiny new and incredibly smelly Toyo Proxes tyres on my Volvo. So there’s a news bit a review or two and show report to look forward to going up.
I want to get more cars featured and so am looking for photo shoots of good ones. Do believe it possible, just ‘cos TA is online doesn’t mean we are less easy to reach and speak to. You can offer up some pix and suggestions on the Forum or even drill down to the contact details on the site.
I’d better go fire up the 12V power.
Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strap line by firestarter