Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Talk Audio – The World’s Best In Mobile Electronics

It seems that threatening to murder woofers in this column last week has struck a chord and I have a selection of keen volunteers from the forum wanting to pop along and help me with this planned evil woofer death test! Meanwhile, the MTX woofer test has been published, and I’d have followed it toute suite with a complete run through of the Massive Audio DB 3000 amplifier but I need to play it through another woofer as well before I pass verdict. The slight spanner delay was that I have taken on a big chewy bit of steak in the shape of the Mobile Electronics News Awards copy. I get to write something cogent, pointy and maybe even witty (yeah right) about each winner; Gold, Silver Bronze, in no fewer than 46 categories. Of course, some are single jobs like ‘Lifetime Achievement’ which was given to Gordon Dutch of BBG this year but it’s still ten thousand odd words of copy and most of the body of the magazine and I’m a little swamped to say the least!
I have two pairs of coaxials in from Alpine to add to the major mainstream comparison test series I have planned and will keep you informed as I get more in.
On the subject of videos, I confess I haven’t done much with the grabshooter video cam I have swagged as the last one was an indoor job and it’s not good at low light. In fact, (‘nuther confession) I was under such pressure to churn words last week that I did the current video in an awful hurry and while the blither I spake was almost to the point, the camera work in the lower light of the hallway was execrable and my publisher was driven to comment that the too-fast panning and dark result was way below the usual semi-pro standard. So I resolve to get one re-done this week, possibly with a second woofer box on the top of the MTX one, with live Neutrik Speakon connector change over from one box to another. (Just a thought, I could even try exploiting my son now he’s on half term and pressgang him into helping me. Then I gotta film crew!
Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strap line by The Rug Doctor