Friday, January 31, 2025

Talk Audio – Welcome To The ICE Age

We have had some super news this last week that really will excite. The Talk Audio summer T-17 meeting is to be a corker with a simply bonkers brace of top notch prizes for entering the Sound Pressure Level and Pitch guessing games.
What will happen is that two folks will get sat in a bass car – we reckon it’s likely to be DumDum’s as he can boom all day and then we will baste them both with bass with the TermPro sensor running and they have to guess the SPL in decibels. Whomever is closest will go through until, tournament-style, we have a winner.
The same thing but at a sensible level and a different tone from a tone burst CD will be played in an SQ car with nice smooth band-to-band transitions as this will be about guessing which of the 31 bands of the Audio Control SA-3055 will be lighting up to accurately guess the pitch in Hz of the tone they just heard.
What’s gone mad is the value of the prizes – see above!
The Pioneer DEH-P88RSII high end competition headunit is just yummy and I am having a ball playing with it, even if I cannot fully try out all the internal crossovery and time alignment stuff on a simple test bench rig (Cue technophiles’ slew of “here’s how” threads on the Forum). I can announce that Pioneer will have some shiny new ads up very soon and are, just like they said in the press recently, going to be concentrating on the car market and that means us lot!
I have a few secondary prizes as well – in the shape of the RE Audio RE-12D4 subwoofer that turned out to be rated at 175W but ran at way more than that, even if it did get a bit hot n’smelly – we’ll have that up on the reviews column to your upper right soon as well.
Last of all, I’m so happy as we have swagged a place at the Devon Modified Mania 2009 show also as detailed above. Especially as it means I get to get up close and personal with limber lovelies in the cutie-pie contest. Right now we are having deep debates about whether it should be Bikinis or wet tee shirts and volunteer blokes with super-soakers to wet ’em down.
Gosh it’s hard to decide…
All that and the nutters from (((Propper Droppers))) with the Streetbassers crew. As they grow, it looks sensible to give them their own forum on the site, like EMMA and dB Drag but that’s up to the Mods. I had great fun at their last event at the Pure Karma drift thingy at Arena Essex and Iceman dropped 157dB of 27Hz. It was mental!
Adam Rayner – Online Editor
This week’s strap line by McC